Scenes that gave you goose pustules?

Scenes that gave you goose pustules?

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I love me some of that pilorection

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The climax of The Bridge on the River Kwai
Stargate sequence in 2OO1
Opening of Apocalypse Now

no flicks, please. only patrician kinos.

Is this real?

Gandalf appearing at Helm's Deep
The Rohirrim appearing at the Pelennor Fields

Every fucking time and i have been watching the movie at least once a year for 22 years now.

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when Robert de niro fapped to bbc porn scene in bad grandpa

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the ending of mother!

the alien is fake but they used stock footage of a real demon

>I'm glad its you
>music swells

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Yes. Lot of scenes in The Matrix got me. I remember even just the slow-mo fire in the lobby explosion got me breathing hard.

the face the alien gives at the end of pacific rim how hes all like damn i wish i never messed with earth

behold the face of regret! Aussie aussie aussie OI OI OI/USA USA USA USA

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Batman Begins when they find Falcone tied to the spotlight

it's a really good scene user

my man
this, and the first flight scene

Kingsman's bar fight because I genuinely was not expecting it

Theoden's speech and cavalry charge in RotK

The girl with the dragon tattoo when the dude berrys his face in Rooney's ass and the Reznor music goes BRMMM

fuck the us, but this

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Every single time

>the end where Michael thinks he's reached their peaceful end destination, it's even decorated all white like Heavenly clouds and he can relax, but he's snatched back to reality by the bullet and blood that's haunting him
>in the end all he cares about is his son NOT shooting, because he doesn't want him damned too
Best comic book movie by far.

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The last time this shitty show made me feel anything was when Marge gave this "you fucked us, you cunt" look to the High Sparrow moments before they got obliterated. The music's great, the buildup, blah blah, but it's that look in her eyes that does it.

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always called them brap blisters

Recently rewatched this and was surprised at the goosebumps on that first appearance.

When Judah Ben-Hur joins his Mother and Sister after they've been cured from the blood of Jesus in the very last scene of Ben-Hur. I got goosebumps and also teared up