>Patient is a 30 years old male virgin with diabetes and obesity. He had a seizure after moderating a image board for 3 days non stop without sleep.
>Differential diagnosis.
Patient is a 30 years old male virgin with diabetes and obesity...
>Could be his diet. I doubt he knows how to cook anything other than a hotpocket.
sounds like a faggot. let's check his butthole for lots of semen.
House, what does his virginity have to do with anything?
>Now, this particular bacteria can be found on banknotes. It all fits.
>House, he's a janny, he doesn't get any money
Hotpotoxoplasmosis, good call considering you're a black man
Clearly it means mental issues at that age
its lupus
COVID, treat with mouse bites
Some form of calcium deficiency or hypothyroidism?
Soi overdose
>Could be neurological.
Chase, Foreman, you go and search his apartment
No, wait House. Let's send women colleagues to his apartment instead.
How is he going to pay his medical bills?
I too am in this thread
Ruling out sexually transmitted diseases (until later in the ep where they found out he got one from a bad blood transfusion or something)
House's memeteam was a PR thing that lost the hospital money
this is a hospital in america. we are legally obligated to treat him until he is stable, no matter his financial situation.
what the fuck is the point then? why pay insurance at all lmao
>Maybe. Let's get an MRI just to be sure.
*patient enters the MRI machine*
*suddenly he starts shitting, vomiting and crying blood*
*doctors exchange worried looks while suspenseful music plays*
*cut to commercial*
It says here that he has a job moderating some sort of forum.
no milkers? disgusting.
Sounds like he might need a gf.
>Maybe he just needs to have sex.
>If he wanted to have sex so badly he could just visit a hooker
They leaned on that sequence way too many times. I hate when media is written around commercial breaks, it just cheapens the whole story. Peak reason why soap operas are, and will always be, terrible.
Good call Cameron. Put on this skimpy outfit and go save our patient.
because hospitals have no duty to provide long term care, because hospitals can sue you for things to recoup bills (but cannot actually effect your credit score), and because you will get far better care if you actually have good insurance.
this is the real debate that no one wants to talk about. the ridiculous laws of the country have allowed fat poor people to use the emergency room as primary care. if we turned away every motherfucker at the emergency room with less than a broken bone, most of the problem would be solved. instead there are niggers and hillbillies going to the emergency room for colds and splinters. because they don't have to pay.
because we are retarded
Maybe it’s Lupus.
Could be lupus.
no i blamed it mainly on white trash and niggers.
obamacare tried to fix this by giving these unemployable fuck ups 200 dollar a month insurance, but they all complained that they actually had to pay 50 dollars to see a doctor.
>that one episode where house has to touch michelle trachtenberg teen pussy to cure her
Based House
It literally is, though.
>I couldn't find his dick between the bush and the folds, I'm going to need backup
Were lead characters always these self satisfied smug assholes? It seems every show these days has them. Can't the audience enjoy misfortune?
>Seems he suffers from severe autism preventing any forms of social relationships
>you think his condition is purely cognitive?
He can't afford the treatment. Apparently he does it for free
>why do you care so much about this patient? Unless you're seeing yourself in him, you see a broken human being and you think he's just like you but remember, you're one of the best doctors in the world while he just does it for free.
"Could be Wegener´s... check his sinuses"
>Get me his paystubs we have to see how’s he been able to live like this for so long