Who could defeat him?
Who could defeat him?
My cock
A woman
A termite
a shitty writer.
himself with his thoughts
Me, by killing myself. Who is God now , bitch?
>inb4 he rationalizes it away like “it would have been, and always will be, time flows like a backwards river to me” or some shit
too bad fucker
I remember some boomer trying to argue with me that Superman could defeat him.
Can't remember how it ended but apparently Superman is capable of destroying black holes. Either way I find it hard to believe that superman could withstand having his subatomic particles being disassembled.
He would defeat you by reassembling you and making you live.
1) Madara Uchiha, and I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Madara Uchiha
2) Medaka Kurokami
3) Senku Ishigami with enough prep time
4) F.E.A.R Rattata
5) The Undertaker
>Shitty responses
Q from Star Trek
One Punch Man
Literally anyone who writes the story
Ozymandias and he does
No he doesn't, he literally fails.
>removes your desire to commit suicide
how evil
Yes manhattan fails and then agrees to veidts plan. So double defeated by ozy
Yo this nigga megamind
>"that blue is too light for television"
>becomes a nigger
>"is that dark enough?"
More like funny responses.
The thread is clearly who would win a fight.
Ozy would just get vaporised.
>you can only be defeated physically
What a dumb argument especially in a capeshit thread where 75% of villains are just noodle armed super geniuses
Ozzy never thought Manhattan would go along with it thats why the tried to kill him and failed.
Problem with comparisons is that there has been like what, a small handful of Dr. Manhattan iterations with pretty consistent powers, whereas Superman has had dozens with each author trying to outdo the last, his powers ranging from super strong alien superman to cosmic armor superman who literally has no weakness.
>could've put roarshack into a coma or made him forget what he saw
>nope, exploding him was the only way to silence him
What was his problem?
Veidt vs Manhattan is the better version of Batman vs Superman
Exploding him was probably less effort.
he couldn't change human nature, so he returned him to nature