What's their endgame?
What's their endgame?
Khorne and slaanesh have no endgame because they live for the moment. Past and future do not exist to them, o ly this current instant, whether that is boring lethargy and waiting or the adrenaline rush of action.
Nurgles endgame is the continual cycle of life and death, sustaining the universe forever. Ironically the god of deaths end game is to keep life going forever
Tzeentch is the only one with a real end game and no one knows what that is
>Tzeentch is the only one with a real end game and no one knows what that is
There is one thing you can say about it and it's that he will make sure he never gets to it.
which one is best? IMO
Khorne is edgelord tier
Slaneesh is tranny fanfic
Tzeench is jewish tier, i bet there is no endgame plan
Nurgle might be the best actually,he actally supports and tries to preserve life
What's with the out of place Slannesh drawing? Is that even her/him?
Nurgle is NEET tier
Fuck chaos ate’ the cunts not racist jus don’t like em.
even better
No this is the original.
Diablo, probably wants to dominate. Azmodan probably just wants cake. Baal looks like he wants to chill. And Lilith seems to think having more eyes get you better vision.
Gork n Mork are me cup of tea, Nurglez' alright he proper green lookin.
Yeah, his whole deal is that followers of his just stop giving a damn you become so content with everything that nothing bothers you anymore, just wallow in filth and enjoy it until you die, and when you do no big deal because you're body will bring life to something else and the cycle will continue.
To transform into pg 13 crap
still no 1billion 12hours warhammer 40k movie
The red wanz go fasta, so Khorn gu too
Would you a Slannesh Yas Forums?
>Tzeench is jewish tier, i bet there is no endgame plan
that's what you're SUPPOSED to think! mwhahahahaha!
if khorne is a chad warrior of unending battle and blood letting, why is he always depicted as a lazy slob sitting all day on a throne watching daemon shonen anime wars like some obese neet?
>There will never be a film adaptation of Clan Mackenzie getting slaughtered by an Eversor assassin
Why even live?
dat's roight, he stomps pretty gud
nah, he just jerks to others doing the stomping. the brass phony.
what a git
saw some news about a tv show or some shit, but any time one of these games to show rumors pop up years go by and nothing happen, but Monster Hunter actually got made so who knows.
>Nurgles endgame is the continual cycle of life and death, sustaining the universe forever. Ironically the god of deaths end game is to keep life going forever
His endgame is incorporating the entire universe in the cycle of rebirth. Everything has to die, then everything shall be born anew.
Because he is equally the god of tricking someone else into killing people for you. He is not a god of war, he is a god of murderhobos.
i wanna fuck Slaanesh
Friendly reminder that Necrons are the good guys and will save the galaxy from chaos.
Imagine that foursome.
Nurgle on the bottom, with his piece in slanesh's rear, with Tzeentch and Khorne Hate-spitroasting her (him[it]) staring at each other angrily.
Tzeentch and Nurgle are more direct enemies as Tzeentch is about constant change and Nurgle is about endless stagnation.
He wants to fuck you dead.