>when you have the movie credits on your back
When you have the movie credits on your back
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The thing about these I hate is the 16 different fonts.
>vague personality traits that apply to any fucking person
Are people into astrology the biggest retards around?
The thing I hate about these is they're literally always worn by white trash. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
Real chads only wear monochromatic T shirts. Maybe a V-Neck from time to time.
A nice sweater on special occasions.
A suit if they've got a good job (although suits are generally for try-hards and NOT chad)
>rare to find
apart from the millions of other people born in october all over the world
post the forklift driver one that reads like he's a bomb disposer or some shit
Someone post the welder ones
These shirts are produced by an algorithm that reads people's facebook data and spits out these slogans before interjecting an ad for it into their feed.
So yes, everyone who buys them is a boomer retard.
based as fuck. i'll respect anyone that would wear this in public no matter how much of a faggot they are.
Kek I always lose to these shirts.
>tfw my Boomer ass dad was about to buy one of these for February with the edgy Grim Reaper design.
Fucking hell Boomers.Almost as bad as the forklift driver one.
fuck, i hope they dont get me. i dont think anyone would buy a shirt that reads "109 countries lmao get fucked npr four more years thank you tabasco party hard with andrew wk"
>wall of text
it's like a leftist meme
yeah these are a pale imitation of true boomer kino like the three wolf shirt or dragons and wizards
It doesn't just read their data to generate slogans. They also read it to determine who would be most likely to buy this type of shirt. For instance, if you "like" Family Guy on facebook, they may target you with these ads based on that fact alone, but probably not. On the other hand, if you like "unofficial peter griffin fan club!!" you will get these ads shoved down your throat because the marketing team knows you're a consumerist dunce
>nice to everyone they meet
>if in a bad mood stay far away
>gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever
that makes you kind of a bitch m8
Does Fred Durst get royalties from these shirts?
Real Chads wear whatever the flying fuck they want and don't give a shit what anyone else thinks
Nope try again beta
Shut up retard
Why do people wear t-shirts with jokes written on them? What are they hoping for? Are they hoping for random people to point at them and laugh? Or do they know that the joke is so lame that nobody will ever laugh at it? If so, why even print a joke on your shirt, why not wear an unfunny shirt?
Its too 'millennial' if it was a boomer shirt it would have some stuff like 'i believe in SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST' 'I like RAPE because I am strong and no woman can resist me' 'its because I drive forklifts all damn day and get more drunk then any zoomer can fathom' 'my balls are DRAINED DRY because I am the best rapist in town' 'girly men and feminists can't handle me because I take what I want' 'so spread those legs bitch because I will be nicer that way'
The copyright disclaimer from that site makes me laugh:
>Dear Visitors,
All of our designs are designed by our team members. However, sometimes we can't control all of my designers, sometimes they may be copy some design ideas from somewhere on the Internet.
Sorry, sometimes we'll copy your shit
I'm gonna claim copywrite on the rape shirt since it was my idea all along
does anyone have a shirt related to any of their fav kinos?
>be on a metal music-themed group on facebook
>check it time to time
>there's always a boomer with a denim jacket posting skulls
seems like a nice guy
your dad sounds extremely based desu
>>tfw my Boomer ass dad was about to buy one of these for February with the edgy Grim Reaper design.
Sounds badass
you sound like a try hard
A chad wears whatever the fuck he wants, and there's tasteful t-shirts.
You are the kind of faggot that think house decoration is either a empty room with a tv and a couch or a million Live Laugh Love plates everywhere and there's no inbetween
i want one
>caring enough to make a response
seems like someone isn't as much of a chad as they thought they were?
Sorry user, he's right. If you're wearing a T shirt it should be a plain neutral colour. ANY form of print or slogan is a giant manchild consoomer stamp. Yes, even your favourite skate brand.
Also, a man's houee should contain nothing that isn't of frequent practical use to him. Do you like cleaning dust off crap? Do you like having your subconscious crowded with an inventory of useless junk that you own? Do you like not having extra money in your wallet, because it now adorns your walls and surfaces with garbage you bought?
Grow up user.
>a nice suit