This is a room of a man in his forties

This is a room of a man in his forties.

Attached: 1583659506298.png (785x442, 759.02K)

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Get used to it. Grown male nerd children are the norm now.

What a fall from grace

what a coomer

And what about it?

this is the room of a man with no taste and no personality

Attached: 1585246871114.webm (340x604, 2.85M)

is this really his wife? Why is there only like 2 pics of them together on the internet?

Attached: file.png (604x453, 579.43K)

His father failed him big time

What's a room of a 40 year old man supposed to look like?

A faggot practicing some feng shui, in a "Bed, Bath, & Beyond" wet-dream?

Post your room OP. What is it white walls and maybe a calendar hanging up?

Because I'm sure they want there privacy
Plus I'm sure he didn't merry her to show her off.

Attached: 1583902515675.jpg (960x602, 92.3K)

Empty other than a matress on the floor, a desk and pc and peripherals and a chair and a rifle in the corner

>seaworld shirt
>mike stoklasa
BASED and photoshoppilled

Attached: heh.png (912x905, 1.23M)

Attached: 602.jpg (500x522, 43.23K)



for an eceleb with fans as autistic as his i'd really think there would be at least a few pics though

It's fake, it's all fake, he's not a nerd, he doesn't have any hobbies and he doesn't understand anything about movies, he's just a failed comedian who is exploiting autistic nerds.

Attached: 1441416124420.png (278x285, 110.39K)

That is some mediocre artwork.

How the FUCK did douge get away with this???

Attached: 1586642226800.png (582x368, 272.34K)

If it was sports memorabilia or shit about cars you wouldn’t bat an eye. He’d be just as obsessed about something he doesn’t do, but for some reason one is socially acceptable

that are some busy women on his wall
just because they were clothes doesn`t mean it is soft porn cheesecake

it shouldn't be so red that it looks like you just smeared your wife's blood across it. it shouldn't be smothered in a mismatch of various popular culture fan artwork and screenshots. it just looks the type of wall that someone would have to make them seem interesting.

>see look at all these things i like
>i'm cool!

it is what an alien would put together when he is trying to pass off as a human


Times are a changing, sweaty

imagine the smell

I'd love to play with those giant titties. Aooooogaaaa! BOOIIIIIIIIIIIIINNGGG!!!! Throb Throb Throb

that poop doesnt look healthy. im pretty douge actually held some in like a scat pornstar to prep for video

this is the kind of shit that screams "I am empty inside but too prideful or degenerate to become religious"

Post more intense cringe than this. I dare you.

sports = masculine bodies emitting testosterone filled pheromones from their pores
cars = can take girls to cool places and go really fast
video games = stinky beta male sweat

Nothing says masculinity like wearing a shirt with another man's name on your back.