The movie comes out next year

Cast him

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He raped those kids didn't he?

Jim Carey ala Grinch

Why did he do it?

the 20's will be his decade

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>purple guy
he can't keep getting away with it

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Why wont this series just fucking die already?!

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My balls,but less purple and more blue.

How many games does this series have now

they both like children

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A lot

10 i guess
7 in the main series
the vr and ar games
and fnaf world

>With all due respect, Mr. Afton, those weren't the design choices we were curious about.

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that seems like too many to me

How are they gonna make this movie scary if the target audience is 7 years old

That's just scratching the surface...

Since when are they making a movie about this trash?

Quite a while now

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Chris Columbus is set to direct, if you can believe it.

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Any idea of when it will release?



this thread is CRIMINAL

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No one knows, its been through development hell and Scott has reportedly been keeping the whole thing on a short leash, making sure it stays what he wants it to be. All that we know is that is going to only cover the first 3 games and that its slated to come out sometime in the next two years.

Cast her

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the sneed behind the slaughter

10/10 reference

bird cunny

3/10 reference

The guy who played Billy in stranger things

Bruce Campbell, Kyle Maclachlan, or Mads Mikkelson.

I used to watch Markiplier's Lets Play's of the original Five Nights series.

They were comfy.

Doug Jones has the build for it. Cmon, look at this man.

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Markplier is rensponsible for creating another wojack variations

That is not comfy

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that TheLivingTombstone recorded a song that plays during the Five Nights at Freddie's movie. It confirms William Afton never figures out the secret of remnant. (Pic is Willaim Afton)

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I thought it was cancelled and they turned the script into The Banana Splits Movie

It's still going. They're probably aiming for a tween/kid audience though since it's got a YA novelist as a co-writer.
The real FNAF movie is that Wally's Wonderland movie with Nicolas Cage. That'll probably be more interesting.