>rose to fame during the French Nouvelle Vague era with his unorthodox 1959 feature "Breathless"
>drastically changed his style with each film
>supported Maoism and injected his films with his politics, never apologized
>always experimental, never returned to the style that made him famous
>most critics stopped praising him decades ago
>dismissed by Ingmar Bergman, Orson Welles and Werner Herzog as a fraud
>championed by Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino and Armond White to this day
Say something nice about him!
Rose to fame during the French Nouvelle Vague era with his unorthodox 1959 feature "Breathless"
oops, his name was supposed to be in the subject field
well, my mistake
>supported Maoism
He's a retard
I have nothing good to say about a commie French atheist who makes subversive Jewish dogshit for a living.
I don't say good things about terrible people.
We wouldn't have Tarantino if it weren't for him
So that's another thing we have to hate him for.
Jesus Micheal Caines really suffering during this quarantine
wtf i hate goddard now
he's a cool dir-
fuck Godard
I've never seen a film by him I enjoyed but I have a great deal of respect for him and his work ethic.
Late Godard > anything else from him
When you say late what do you mean?
His late career starting at least with the first Histoire(s) du Cinema in 1987 and on.
Plenty of highbrow critics still support him.
>supported Maoism and injected his films with his politics, never apologized
He is a fucking retard. There are better FNW directors who were still politically active yet didn't infest their films with this trash.
Rivette should have had the acclaim this joker has.
technically he does doesn't he? Rivette as far as I know, is praised endlessly by critics and cinephiles
Kind of looks like My Cocaine from the thumbnail.
I guess. More people should know him though. I think even some critics are sleeping on him and haven't seen his films except for the big 2: Celine and Julie and La Belle Noiseuse.
And is there anything else truly masterful by him? Please don't say Out 1 cause I'm not watching that behemoth of a film so soon.
Trufaut has more soul
Celine and Julie, Duelle, La Belle Noiseuse, Haut Bas Fragile, Joan the Maid, The Story of Marie and Julien, Out 1, The Duchess of Langeais, Le Pond Du Nord. He never made a bad film.
Is La Belle Noiseuse actually worth watching anything for more than naked Emmanuelle Béart?
yeah but I generally have to agree more with Godard's critique of Truffaut. He fell into the trap of glamorizing whatever was put in front of the camera
Yes, it's pretty great if you don't mind slow contemplative films.
Truffaut > Godard
Pierrot le Fou > anything Truffaut has ever made
I'm with you on Pierrot le Fou > Anything. And other than 400 Coups, I don't think Truffaut has made a single masterpiece, while Goddard has at least 4
He was too romantic. Resnais, Rivette, Rohmer is the holy trinity of FNW.
How fast would Yas Forums change it’s mind about him if they knew he kept a map of German victories in WW2 and rooted for them?
Truffaut made chick flicks
Reminded me of this bit from one of his docus.
>Jacques Reddit
Wasn't he like 10 years old during WW2?
Truffaut has a ton of hidden gems though. Small Change is like a revamped 400 Blows
People on reddit have never heard of Rivette you idiot.