>celebs were making cringe shit like this on day 6 of quarantine
>this was like 3 weeks ago
How are they coping now?
Celebs were making cringe shit like this on day 6 of quarantine
Realizing that after week 2 no one really cared they were gone
I unironically hope they're all dead.
has it only been three weeks
3 weeks since her video, I think, and the US was quarantined later than most of Europe, it has been 4 weeks for me here, I guess places like Italy has been on quarantine for even longer
Get the fuck out then
>this was like 3 weeks ago
>How are they coping now?
God imagine all the normies losing their minds having to go ten seconds without socializing.
By laughing at you while drinking champagne in their multi million dollar homes
I want to fuck Gal's dead body
How did such an unattractive woman make it so big in Hollywood?
I don't care if she's a stick I'd still lick Gal's gadot if you get what I mean.
>stay at home orders
>border sealed
>Navy stepping up anti-drug interventions
Reason they look all disheveled is because they were all collectively going through cocaine withdrawal for the first time in their lives, kek.
Has it really been 3 weeks since this happened? I'm literally losing all sense of time
>cocaine withdrawal
Ha h-ha yeah, imagine not leaving the house for weeks a time lmao??
Shit, are we really about to run out of cocaine, bros?
>Thinking they can't get their security guards to bring them cocaine
What do you think having a crew is for?
i dont know
You will never be a woman.
if you don't think that the spice is still flowing, you are obviously not rich enough.
what a punchable face the slut in the middle has
Based tranny police
Thats good news
based and checked
Ricky Gerviouos takes the piss about them daily on kikebook
>How did such an unattractive woman make it so big in Hollywood?
She was the prettiest girl at the bar mitzvah.
Seems like the curtain has finally been pulled back. No new movies, talk show interviews, tv show episodes, and nobody gives a shit. Is society finally starting to recognize these people are just parasites?
yup, im thinking based
>spice is still flowing
...And the shelves are routinely stocked with toilet paper, too, right?
>How are they coping now?
Better than any of us,retard.
They get mailbox money.