Alright I'm rewatching this and granted I'm pretty drunk right now but I can't see anything wrong with it...

Alright I'm rewatching this and granted I'm pretty drunk right now but I can't see anything wrong with it. Other than fags while about muh nostalgia.
The original films were meant to be an homage to 1930s serial adventure shows, time passed. 1950s? Now flying saucer films and commies are pop culture? Tons of solid call backs. I even think Mutt swinging on Vines might be a nod to Tarzan and George of the Jungle which saw a resurgence in the 50s. Has all the classic Indy tropes we like, the whip, the minority henchmen, the one nameless buff dude who poses a boss fight etc. So what's the problem?
Okay, he survived a nuke in a fridge, but to be fair I watched a working voodoo doll in Temple and actual proof of Christ in both last crusade and Raiders including a 700 year old Knight so realism isn't the issue.

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I also just watched it. It's not a terrible film but it's not a good Indiana Jones film.

Everyone knows "why" they did it. It still isn't good by any stretch of the imagination.

I wasn't trying to bait Christians in my OP either btw, just poor wording.
But why? It seems to me to hit most of the right notes.

dubs of truth

The story was a bit too contrived i'd say. Too many things going on.
and it had some stupid characters such as the obsessed hobo guy and mac

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is a good movie, fuck haters.

Yeah you are drunk OP. The entire second half of the movie sucks ass dude. Literally everything after they get captured at the temple and meet Marian is legit awful. The jungle chase and ant fight scene are ok, but don’t save it. Also, Mac is the worst Indy sidekick ever

It's actually not bad, it had a good plot for the age, which was good for Ford and Indy's age. It also in one metric is the best Indy film: Cate Blanchett's Spalko is the best Indy villain.


Yes, it is you retard. It's pylp adventure through and through.

Checked. It can be a bit busy at times but not unfollowable. Mac is a useless character 100%, Crazy guy is a hollow plot device that makes things feel cumbersome. This movie is a solid 7/10 I guess.

It got shunned for telling the truth about aliens.

The 2008 pinball machine was bad.

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>no exposed monkey brain
shit pinball

It's not as good as the originals... but what is? It's still better than most of the shit that comes out today and that was coming out at the time.
The only legitimate issue I think this movie has is the cinematography. It's overly lit and yellow and just looks like ass.
The best scene in the movie is the one that looks like an actual Indiana Jones flick.

the problem with the movie is the soulless boring cgi shit

Agreed, I actually kind of like this movie for the most part and I think it gets too much hate. Honestly, I think a few people hated it and a lot of other people just started agreeing with them to join in on the bandwagon, there are some stupid scenes but people treat them as much worse than they are. As you mentioned the fridge nuke was retarded but that's all people talked about and it's one scene in the movie. Also the aliens were a stupid premise for indie, they should have gone with some ancient Aztec magical superweapon or something and everyone would have been fine with it.

I literally made this thread during the jungle chase scene. Dude you're right everything since has been rough. This movie might be kinda bad.

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Will this movie be the new "prequels were good" cope when The new IJ movie comes out?
To be fair to the movie and OP that Russian agent was hot.

Spalko is quite fun, but honestly nobody can top Belloq. He's the perfect rival to Indie, motivated by the same drive but used to evil ends. Some of the best heroes in fiction have villainous counterparts, that's how you know you've made it as a hero.

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I might like it more than Temple of Doom, desu.

>defending the tarzan scene
also fuck the cgi

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That's scene was great.
I honestly think ayy lamos were a good choice for the reasons listed in OP there was just a lot of unnecessary baggage and goofiness.

Temple of Doom gets boring when they get into the mines.

Outside of the fridge and monkey swinging shit, I think it’s a good movie honestly

What are you drinking OP?

After however many minutes of being respectful of parjeets village and the painful palace scenes that go in and on the mines are a fucking treat.

comfy plant on top left, goes well with the wood

My only major gripe is I wish we didn't actually SEE the aliens at the end. It should have been a bit more mysterious and open-ended, because then you start thinking about Abrhamic magic being real in the other movies and you're like wait a god damn minute...

It was okay when you faggots did this for the SW PT, but nothing will ever make Cystal Skull good or watchable.
Indiana Jones is inherently an inter-war period movies. Just get a different actor already.

Poorfag Canadian lager.
Also I'm starting over movie wise.

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What do you dislike about it?