Implying he's not a pimp whoring out his bitch

>implying he's not a pimp whoring out his bitch

Attached: ETDu1VQUYAEEch-.png (575x680, 454.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself zoomzoom
youre no better than mouthbreathers watching kardashian shit

pimps don't date their whores retard

Attached: FIGHT.png (253x417, 233.86K)

YouTube is not tv or film. Fuck afff

Imagine paying to see this

Attached: 1586803484815.jpg (1875x2500, 440.78K)

looks ... kinda uneven

with a bit of makeup and bleaching her hair she could be impersonating Brie Larson getting herself off

Attached: file.png (760x640, 559.97K)

Attached: 1473801455586.jpg (256x310, 19.86K)

Those are fucking dogshit fake tits lmao, simps are the most pathetic faggots on the planet.

no staying power.

>dogshit fake tits
JUST like Brie


and those moles


Based iDubbbz cheaped out on the implants LMAO.

Attached: idubbbz laughing.jpg (1280x720, 86.43K)

trully the real simps are retards paying for this garbage

Any pics of her before the botching?

I think we successfully shamed the simps from not supporting her. She dropped her price from $12 to $9.99 and she hid how many OnlyFans subs she has.

These half-assed barely softcore pics is what gots you guys all worked up??

Attached: 1415586195842.gif (200x243, 1.08M)

Let's not forget the guy who's okay having simps see his GF nude.

He's King Simp.

Attached: Maximum Cuckoldry.png (1068x1584, 1.51M)

maybe there are some idk

I think this whole onlyfans are just a jew trick to get woman into degeneracy

>I made a onlyfans account and in only one month i earned 45k you can do it too girl hehe

simps do

so. did she have nudes on onlyfans or just retarded pics like these?

>worked up

The people calling the ones making fun of iDubbbz "worked up" are really the ones who are worked up, tbqhfamilia.

Attached: Coincidence I Think Not.png (694x764, 908.09K)

i'd believe it

What's her foot game like tho

Retarded pics like that.

Attached: iDubbbz Photoshoot.jpg (640x644, 96.74K)

>those stretchmarks
>those moles

fucking hell


iDups should just start a prank channel.

Attached: iDubbbz Epic Prank.png (434x540, 374.36K)

Why do so many people think that Idubbz took these pictures? Are they not aware that timers and remotes exist?

Attached: dqk11rb2hbs41.jpg (640x789, 107.98K)

>What are jokes?
>What is a meme?

Attached: can-i-go-now-guys-16281319.png (500x600, 125.69K)

Attached: 1578660096395.gif (264x480, 2.47M)

Ah, so it all comes down to this, now doesn't it. Zoomers who grew up watching leafy, now finally have dirt on idubbbz.

>I think this whole onlyfans are just a jew trick to get woman into degeneracy
I wish someone would trick some of you retards into learning english

so does she have any actual nudes or are zoomers literally paying e-thots for pastie pics?

Then what's the fucking POINT

post proof pls

Are incels angry because iDups didn't thot-patrol his girl?

based little guy

>blaming Leafy for this
People were/are clowning on iDubbbz before Leafy hung on this issue's coattails.

yeah I like bimbos, no shame.

those are built for strainging the buttons on tight blouses and making some nice cleavage in a v-neck
what is she THINKING

And now suddenly Woke Twitter is defending the Nigger faggot guy who called Michelle Obama an ape.

there would be considerably less shame if he just admitted he didn't have a problem dating an absolute slut and owned it but instead he felt the need to ride out to defend m'lady
i like sluts too but i'm not gonna pretend it's a recipe for long term happiness to let them slut themselves up. you ARE trading long term happiness for short term financial stability and at the end of the day you shouldn't put a fucking ring on it.

I didn't blame leafy. I blamed his fans.

She can't even whore properly.


There are a couple nudes in there, just checked. Its nothing to write home about. I can see why she doesnt like showing her nipples, it looks like she got fake nips as well and they look botched as fuck. Like the generic bimbo look you see a lot with those ugly porn stars who have balloon tits and extremely small nipples that look taped on.

take the ban faggot, post some shit

I just want to punch her stupid face. She's fucking hideous.

>I blamed his fans.
>If you're making fun of iDubbbz being a simp because his GF is selling nudes to other men for money then you're a Leafy fan!

What a tarded take.

I'm a JLP fan myself.

Attached: gbNqW031Oa7LVsIjddoNRLYGawF4oNYP96wMvTfrJiY.jpg (480x360, 36.18K)

what is this sentence trying to convey? >strainging?
what is "those" referring to?

Literally just look through the link that was posted.

>it looks like she got fake nips as well and they look botched as fuck

You're looking at fakes. the original leaks don't even feature her nipples.

>>If you're making fun of iDubbbz being a simp because his GF is selling nudes to other men for money then you're a Leafy fan!
Yeah, that seems to be the case. Hence why Leafy is included in the meme images.

>I'm a JLP fan myself.
So you're actually below leafy fans.

>making us click through all that shit


From what ive heard she started recording herself masturbating for people who pay. Its all downhill from here.

Are all the e-celebs covering this closeted Leafy fans too?

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