Is he based ?

is he based ?

Attached: ezra-miller.jpg (681x383, 45.24K)

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no hes jewish

Is he pozzed? Most definitely
He’s probably got an unshaven prolapsed ass with warts on it

Timmy is kino ezra sucks

i know youd let him choke you out user

KilL yourself tranny discord spammer

Just another fucking faggot jew

more like AIDSED

Yes, and only basedboys or roasties disagree.
Because all women are whores.

Goes to a foreign country and assaults a woman. No, he's an embarrassment and needs to apologize


idk how this can be un-based

Ezra has a perfect boipucci, I've seen it :3

Attached: pucci.jpg (410x820, 230.61K)

It's based, and he was in the right for defending himself from a deranged roastie.
Only cucks or women disagree, pay close attention in these threads.

Attached: roastie removal.png (1071x656, 266.8K)

Fuck you ezra, learn to shave your body
Everyone looks good in leggings

Based Ezra violently removing the pussy from the pedestal. You faggots need to watch and learn instead of slurping down Yas Forumscel koolaid all day. Women are obsolete. Ezra is showing us exactly that. All they're good for is sucking your dick and Ezra can do that ten times better and not be a picky little shit about it with a chip on his shoulder. I bet he'd suck off every single neckbeard ITT without batting an eyelid just because he's that much of a whore. Now I don't know about you but that's pretty fucking based if you ask me. The best part is that when the clickbait journos, feminazis and assorted SJW start whinging about a man choke slamming a women, he's just going to go full troll mode and say he's actually not a man, but a non-binary individual, so the rules don't and shouldn't apply to him. And you can't deny that isn't based.

Cope harder nigger
He has a cute ass and he shaves it

>he shaves it
have you seen his chest hair that literally sprouts out of his clothing it’s so unkempt
he’s a hairy monster


I bet you cant even grow any.

No, and I shave anyway, why would a faggot have chest hair
He has aids

He leaves the wisps of chest hair for the aesthetic but his ass is smooth.

Attached: GQStyleUK (11).jpg (1308x2805, 700.11K)

>Beats women
Yea, I'd say so.

You cant grow chest hair but you shave anyway? Wtf is wrong with you?

Chalamet = Reddit, cucked, beta

Ezra = Yas Forums, based, redpilled, alpha as fuck

Why does he crave so much cock, though? Everything about his looks and mannerisms seems to beg to be fucked by big strong daddy.

he's gotta show his cock now
no career = get naked

has he not already?

That's not a cock retard

nah, he got naked in pic related but it was just his ass

Attached: stanford prison experiment poster.jpg (1500x1125, 447.12K)

Probably because Jason Mamoa broke him in.
Imagine having the most powerful orgasm of your life come from being pinned down and taken from behind like a bitch by Jason and having your prostate get beaten like a speed bag. Imagine trying to make it work with women after that. He's been chasing that high ever since. He's been signaling to every man on Earth that he's game to be used and put them to the test like a high striker.

Attached: ezra momoa childhood.jpg (1936x1372, 620.7K)

I have some minor dark hair but it’s not visible to others. But I like to be smooth, I shave legs too

All women deserve to be chokeslammed

I dont know who is a bigger faggot you or Ezra


Unbelievably based

This, Ezra is /ourfag/


This clarifies my question. Thank you.

Quit shilling your thread

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I don't mind Ezra's hair, it's not that much and cute

Attached: YSL Jan 2020 (21).jpg (965x1540, 156.89K)

Can't stop making kinos, Ezra can't stop beating women

Discuss Dune here

Fuck off you seething roastie.