Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here

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didnt crowder freak out because this guy called him an retard or something?

a shill and he lost his mind

He mentioned "autistic libertarianism", I believe, and Crowder decided to pretend to get hung up on the use of the word "autistic" as a get out of jail free card.

I liked the segments earlier on, when the points were a bit spicier, and the opponents a bit more fierce. Now they're just randos in public and the topics are kind of boring.

crowder is an extremely stupid idiot

Autistic and a shill

Better question is, who was in the wrong here?

the tomboy is in the wrong for not being my gf

This, Crowder tries to intimidate and use the crowd to his advantage when he was clearly losing the debate.

Clearly Stephen Crowder, because he makes a moral argument against collectives, and collectives are by definition inherently incapable of acting morally or immorally, because morality can only be applied to individual decisions.

Joe Rogan handed this guy his FUCKING ass on his show. I sometimes wish he would appear on Bill Maher, like Milo Yiannopolous did. Bill Maher would destroy this guy.

Rightwingers are dumb, all of them. Leftists are intellectually superior.

Why does Crowder never debate well known liberals like Destiny? Is it because he's afraid of losing?

>collectives are by definition inherently incapable of acting morally or immorally, because morality can only be applied to individual decisions.

This. You can't say that the nazis were inherently moral or immoral. They were just a collective.

She's hella cute

that JRE episode was hilarious
>what do you mean you don't like weed, fuckface? you don't like when something cures cancer and ends war? you gonna cry, bitch? don't get defensive sweetie. btw you missed your flight

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They're both smug cunts and I would hatefuck both of them and afterwards beat the shit out of them for being smug cunts

mentally ill leftypol trannies detected

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>that's the best and brightest from the right
>that's them at their very top game

You know someone is an idiot when they get btfo'd by Joe Rogan.

isn't destiny a capitalist who dislikes abortion

>no argument from the mentally ill leftypol tranny
Why do all leftists want to genocide the white race for their nigger masters?

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You don't have to be left wing to think Crowder is a fucking idiot

Literally both of them are complete brainlets. God, I hate women.

Destiny is for having abortion be legal.

>the best and brightest continue showing all they've got
>this is them, no holds barred

>no argument from the mentally ill coward leftypol tranny

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Yusef destroyed him. Crowder is a brainlet who attempts to use dominating body language to intimidate those who he debates with.

>it's evil to have no one exploit your labour
honestly why are americans so cucked?

Both. Chowder for losing his temper and, subsequently, the argument; Yusef for defending socialism, no matter shape or form.

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why watch crowder or any of these new "le intelligent debate" when you can watch Jesse lee peterson fuck around with white people and black people

I hope all those people claiming socialism is evil don't cash their stimulus checks, it would be a shame to be a complete hypocrite after all.

>still no argument from the tranny
Why do all leftists hate the white race?

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He's on the whole left wing but not a stupid idiot, he often debates against SJW.

He was making competent arguments from what I remember and used the word 'autistic' as a slur and Crowder clutched his pearls and then get the rest of the crowd to chime in in getting offended.

Based Yusef, National Socialism is coming back boys

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Why would Info Wars air this when it just makes them look like complete idiots?

>I hope all those people claiming socialism is evil don't cash their stimulus checks, it would be a shame to be a complete hypocrite after all.
t. tranny with a trust fund account

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link the fucking video for a start

Oh, I thought he was somewhat against the practice. Not as based as I thought he was then.

>she will never be in your life

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imagine this lvel of cuckoldry

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Marxian socialism ≠ nationalist based socialism
They aren't one of the same


Is that your mother's stripper name?

somebody post the comic of the guy putting up cardboard monsters and fire and pretending he's being attacked by them

Why do all leftists want to genocide the white race?

write a shitty script and offer her half a pack of xanax to be the female lead and she's all yours bro

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>30 something professional political pundit with a binder full of research OWNS 19 year old students


Crowder switched over to SJW language shaming tactics to weasel out of the argument because he couldn't actually refute Josef's national socialist points.

They actually fired her and deleted the video from their channel. This was long before they got banned.

this, I never cash my tax returns either, because the government giving me back some of the money I was forced to pay them for having an income is socialism

>ummm akshully this turd is not the same as that pool of diarrhea

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I feel bad for Crowder. He's a closet homosexual who thinks he's a comedian

>still no response from leftypols best
Why do all leftists want to genocide the white race?

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you fags wanna know a secret about Crowder?

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I actually meant it in reference to the tweet you posted, not you. I think people who believe "whiteness" is a real oppressive force or that "patriarchy"/"rape culture"/any other invisible bogeyman is real are complete psychos

Posting Ayn Rand
opinion invalid
Communist view whites are oppressive, settlers and colonialist. It's a evil philosophy

His career unironically peaked when he was the voice actor for Brain on Arthur. .

I tried to follow your conversation, but I have zero clue who Crowder is and you aren't exactly talking about anything.

Because yes getting money back that was stolen from you is socialist ok nigger.


>Played by Steven Crowder 2000-2001
Holy shit lmfao