The Drums Edition
The Drums Edition
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were the daleks on skaro in the davros episodes part of the new paradigm/parliament or were they time war survivors? I'm pretty sure its the latter but was curious what others thought
they were davros creating random casings for his daleks because he was dying
Are you niggas still seething about Chibbs's finality?
Respect, I wish I had that tenacity
hit me with the double whammy because i'm racist as well, so not only was my favorite childhood show destroyed but the doctor was born a black female child refugee
nobody cares
I think Doctor was Asian female child refugee.
What are the craziest stories big finish has done?
Looking forward to this kino
Black female child refugee first. Then Asian female child refugee second.
I'm so glad that the doctor was some immortal useless piece of shit until HE turned into a straight white male who got bored and traveled through time to save the universe until HE turned back into a woman who has been cowardly and the less kind person on the universe. Fuck chibbers
Don't mind me, just posting the best villain from the last two series
This guy ain't shit compared to the best villains on series 1-10
Anyone got that picture of classic series kino?
I liked the lone cyberman, I just fucking hated how the master just killed him with like no buildup.
Speaking of, the new master is decent, if you count him as a new villain.
Yeah the chibbers era isn't very good at creating new villains (among other things) Series 11s all sucked. Those light guys from spyfall I guess were kinda cool
Really shitty how Chibcunt didn't expand on his "I do not need to be stabilized" line. Imagine Cybermen with emotions.
What’s the best episode from a technical filmmaking perspective? In terms of lighting, cinematography, etc.
What's the worst Big Finish cover?
12 and Clara!
The Doctor Falls takes top spot in a lot of categories. Dark Water, Death in Heaven, The Doctor's Wife, Vincent and the Doctor all have some beautiful examples of film making as well.
How the fuck is the guy in that suit lifting Capaldi and that chest unit?
wasnt that his whole thing, he was a cyberman who had emotions due to faulty conversion and jsut loved fighting for the cybermen?
lets be honest any of them with an old-who doctor on the cover look like uncanny valley shit
The Daleks, 1963.
They're usually okay when it's just an old promo image or still from an episode. It looks odd when they try to give them a new body or some shit
THE Lisa Bowerman?
Lucy was pretty hot in her tank top. Shame they killed her off as she'd have made a good in-universe action hero.
This was her first role in a Doctor Who Big Finish play
I am the only one faggot believing the last MAster could have been great with a good script and he made the horror that he was give to work with somewhat entertaining?
She didn't played Summerfiled on this one didn't she?
Believe it or not....she did!
Bowerman at this point IS Bernice Summerfield, if Bernice ever shows up in the show itself and it ain't Lisa playing her heads will roll
It would be fitting if she was the one who made the "the doctor? More like the nurse" joke if she ended up appearing on the show.
Holy shit I just realised that's the Elephant Man's skull