Kyle sells soap on Etsy and Sara is a kindergarten teacher’s assistant...

>Kyle sells soap on Etsy and Sara is a kindergarten teacher’s assistant. They’re looking for their first home with a budget of 1,500,000 dollars...

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>garage door faces the same direction as front door
lol gross

I think every stand-up comedian ever has made this joke

Name 23.

I'm a potato farmer and my wife does Mary Kay and our budget was 5m on hawaii

That's a really nice house. It would be worth $2 million here in Toronto

Depending on the sq ft and location it's a 300-450 house here. Why do people live around big cities? I dont miss that shit at all.

Do you think they cast actual people for this show? Do you think any stand-ins in any tv show are actual people?

Can't drive.

Nibba...I live in California and I don't think I've seen a house unlike this...

>Cletus and Mmkay-lah are looking for a six bedroom ranch with plenty of room for their eight kids on a budget of $50000 and "bout another six hundred by the end of the month"

for me, Its that show Homestead Rescue where alaskan chads come in and save some retards from San Francisco from dying because they dont know how to plant tomatoes

I envy you burgers, your houses maybe built from plywood but atleast it actually looks like a house. Meanwhile a “normal” house in my country looks like this and will cost you around 400k.

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Booo. That didn't stop me from moving to Huntsville.

The Chinese own most of properly here in Canada

Retard, but agreed, that's an apartment, not a house

>Scott is an entrepreneur and Karen runs an art-and-crafts business
>They have four children ages 3 to 9 and live on a spacious 3.5 acre lot just outside Kansas City
>”We just think it’s time for a change, you know?”
>They’re looking to move to an apartment in Barcelona
>”of course life has been great here, and both of our families live just a few miles in either direction, and it’s a great school system and the kids have already made lifelong friends, but if we don’t take the opportunity to see the world now we might not ever get to! I’ve always wanted to cram six people into an 800 square foot apartment in a country where we don’t speak the language!”

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idk man, not being able to drive is pretty cancer when you live in the country. Next year I can start paying off my debts and hopefully work towards a license.

does this actually happen?

Pay denbts
And I guess, I work from home and everything is walking distance anyway
I am married though so that helps

“Actually” like it’s a real situation presented on the show? Almost every episode.

try 100-200.

>Bertie is looking for a man space and Lisa says her dream kitchen is a must have
>watch these two passive aggressively read the script of these appraisals of three per chosen properties we sent them to look at

Is that 3 houses stuck together or do you get the whole thing for $400k?

This is a pile of shit. I've been talking with developers over the last couple of weeks and I'm looking at a new, contemporary design 1100+ square foot house in the Midlands for 300k.

>Megahan is a sous chef at Wendy's, and Todd sows fabric bookmarks for his online store, the budget 10.4mill

You can’t be serious

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It's 3 council houses stick together. People night them in the 80s for dirt cheap. Most people sold and upgraded but our equivalents of rednecks or Walmart people stayed in them.

We have those all over the place. A condo in a nice association will cost you some scratch, not 400k but they certainly aren’t cheap.

I just bought a 2080sf place for $215k with closing rolled in my dude

>that couple who refuses the offer to even swing a mallet to take a walk for posterity
Is there anything more gay than these people?

I've heard that. Crazy what people let them do. I'd imagine more will be owned after all this is through.

I'm well aware it's cheaper in the US. This shithole of a country is just bad in different ways to what he claims.

My brother in law had a sweet ass condo he payed cash for in the city before they bought their house. If I had the money and if the seller was someone was not someone who fucked my sister in there I would have wanted to buy it.

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Yeah just upgrade to a ‘mansion’.

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We’re looking for something open-concept, you know? Really, REALLY open concept. No I’m not talking about just a big family room / kitchen space, I want the entire house to be one giant room. The only doors I see better separate the inside from the outside. I don’t even want private bathrooms, just ONE BIG ROOM where everyone gathers to laugh and eat and watch TV and sleep and shower and shit.

>Those handles on the garage door
>....does it open sideways like a regular door?