Is he gonna be ok bros?

Is he gonna be ok bros?

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i dont care

i hope not

used to like him a few years ago but it seems he really is a hugely toxic and severely mentally ill person.

comedy is always moving forwards and while his shit hit really hard around 2016 and 2017 its just stale now.

>yet another le unfunny fatfuck thread
I'd blame it on social distancing but Hyde fans were always shut-ins.

wow, so many leftards on this shithole, hello re dit


go home grandpa

not a leftie

he just doesnt make content and when he does its just not funny

he always seems to be, fucking faggot

Some of yall are reddit migrants and it shows. MDE FOREVER

>fat slob meme man

No thanks

>like nu sam
hello re dit



kinda hard to pull that off when half the guys just left and refuse to interact with him because he is crazy and unironically lower class

r/MDE NEVER DIES!!!!!!!!!!!

wtf??? bros??? BROS??? WTF??? I HATE SAM HYDE NOW!!!

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I have this exactly haircut

Lol hope this is bait

This. I loved MDE but Sam sucks now and Frank Hassle is a cowardly faggot. You're a massive brainlet, OP. Old Sam would have shat down your throat for your shameless blind fanboyism

>create a parody video of a comedian to make a statement about how irrelevant he is
>actually become forgotten and irrelevant yourself

who was this guy anyway

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More based,but only.because you got dubs.
based and forward thinking.
I'm very unfamiliar with his "work" but you are allowed to change gears,if he is stuck in a rut,its because it put himself there,he and that odd looking guy from that mediocre so on adult swim.
I hardly follow this shit.
You deaerve another

why does he try so hard to look as unpresentable as possible

The final nail in his coffin was when he hung out with the sodomite Nick Fuentes.

>who was this guy anyway
If you do it will make his post false,and upset teh warlords.

every time i see an ignorant cunt strawmanning words related to the left it motivates me to show them what a real left looks like and motivates me to help make it happens. the left is in the gutter, i want to see a revolutionary syndicate of millions of members who would be more responsive and efficacious than whatever neoliberal democracy is doing now.

I mean I heard he had consensual sex with someone once and as a tranny I find that very offensive

I don't care about his politics he just looks hideous, it hurts my eyes

cause its actually funny

>Sam loses his show and collaborators, ends up hanging out with even bigger loser version of himself
>meanwhile Tim has been on a world tour and this years Oscars special was the best one yet
Sammie BTFO

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Yet the "I am forgotten" meme still gets posted to this day, in a way it counts as a legacy.

He's going to be just fine.

Just curious,did you get both of the (you)s I mailed you?
postage service refuses to confirm.

Yeah, but most people don't actually know what it's in reference to, let alone the guy in the video. I'd say in terms of leaving a legacy to be remembered by, Sam has a leg up over some literally who internet skit guy.

>wasting gregg turkington on a bit for almost a decade
does tim know how to NOT run a joke into the ground?

no it doesn’t
everytime i play basketball and say Lebron James i think of the little black kid that said it, not the actual basketball player


>say Lebron James
You mean you shout his name randomly or just when you shoot?
I used to shout JORDAN whenever I had a fast break,but of course I would jump shoot past the three and then shout BIRD!

not a person alive that couldnt strip.the ball from me,but I will always beat everyone at HORSE.

millenials yell KOBE and zoomers yell CURRY
never heard anyone yell LEBRON JAMES on the court in my life

I grew out of Sam Hyde

I prefer The Golden One (pic related)

>recreational MMA fighter
>pro-family (got married recently at 28 and had his first child last year)
>owns his own business and is allowed to be as based as he wants, but doesn't larp
>created a lodge house for other ethno-nationalists

he's everything Sam never grew up to be.

His insta:

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he sure sounds like fun user

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