God isn’t real bro!

>God isn’t real bro!

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find a more degenerate movie. i'll wait.

this movie always triggers Yas Forums

He's right tho :)

Sausage Party is an under-appreciated masterpiece

that movie proves it

>he believes in sky wizards

lmao did anyone notice that sausage looks like an erect penis? LMAO

I was hoping this would be more of a food gore/horror movie.

I don’t even give a shit how many fedora replies I get but if you unironically still believe in magic allknowing skydaddy in 2020 either you are larping or mentally retarded

neither is a talking saussage

post the webm

Prove otherwise

Daily reminder that atheism is a mental illness.

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So is believing in Roman Fairytales. Grow up

If you believe in nothing, you are nothing

but talking food is

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nice bait i don't even believe anyone uses this shit unironically anymore no one could be that stupid

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>Newgrounds Style



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>the greatest thing god can muster in the face of criticism is to try and tell people they're cringe

>imply luciferians don't view athiests with the same disdain as christians

"he's" not.

Why are you even on Yas Forums if you're religious? Don't you have some creepy youth group to be at? Go watch Care Bears and hold hands with your purity ring brothers.

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Fedora memes highlight exactly why it's useless to engage fundies in conversation: they always use ad-hominem attacks and argue in bad faith because their religion doesn't stand up to logic.

You best watch out user or those nasty christians will say you wear a hat when you ask for basic evidence!

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I am glad my fellow 4channelers have superior intelligence like myself

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(((Kosher dog)))

How old is the fedora meme? Do current year zoomer nerds even wear this shit anymore?

lauren palomo did this to me at her 2 story house during a party.
come at me mario vega!

>unfunny movie triggers movie board

NO shit rerard

No sex before marriage bro, stay pure

It's fucking hilarious, go pray for my soul or something, fag.

In not about logic it's about having faith

>is that a person questioning my faith! I better project negative things at him!
>this doesn't make me look silly at all!

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didnt see that ending coming

Why would I lol

>larping as 90's soccer moms outraged over a shitty South Park tier movie
>on Yas Forums

so actually why are jews so anti-religion, wasn't killing Jesus once enough?

>mfw someone believes something around me

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>kikes still seething two thousand years later
yeah, i'm thinking he's based

You are God. Everyone is God.

they are not anti religious, they are anti christians

>yo funny sex jokes hahahahahaha

>thinking empiricism is based on logic
What is the problem of induction? Philosophy and, by extension, theology are the ones which use logic by using deduction instead of induction.