At what point should an actor stop reprising a well-known role?

At what point should an actor stop reprising a well-known role?

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How does a robot get fat

net trekkie happiness was increased by this
sperg more nerd

When it is a property with the word "star" in it.

It's dream fat

why does he look asian?

>net trekkie happiness was increased by this

Is this how Disney execs think?

and it worked

>it's all gone off hasn't it
>I barely fit in this chair, m8
>where's my nephew
>bugger I left the kettle on
>do I have any more lines, JJ?
>hull fc's playing tonight

Learning about how Patrick Stewart was a complete faggot shitlib ruined Trek for me. I grew up watching TNG reruns in the mid to late 90s so I always had the idea of Picard being a role model and a hero that nearly contrasted with the bleak inner city reality I was surrounded by. Now I feel a drawn out sigh every time I see anything TNG related, as I sigh my eyes close for an extended moment. In that moment it all floods back but the feeling is gone and I’m left hollow and ambivalent.

When it's been over 10 years since they last did.

That must suck for you. I've never given a shit what an actor or a musician I liked thought about anything.

you are a retard that has let anonymous political image boards full of schizos ruin your perception of reality

Whenever the character arc is finished in a satisfying way.

it must suck being such a fragile snowflake

>never given a shit what an actor or a musician I liked thought about anything.
This. Why is it so hard for people to do?

>learning about how the mexican cooks in the kitchen hate Trump has really ruined restaurants for me

They wont know until its 1 performance too late.

>I've never given a shit what an actor or a musician I liked thought about anything.
Patrick Stewart is on record saying that he personally made them write STP the way they did because he truly thought that Star Trek had no right to exist in a world with "Brexit and Trump."

The original Star Trek premiered during the greatest movement of political and social upheaval America had ever seen, FYI. It was supposed to directly contrast with real life at the time in order to provide a window into a bright future... now it's gone... and Patrick Stewart is literally to blame for all of it.

Damn, I thought he actually had dignity to not bother reprising the role.

you realize hes just a mouthpiece for his plublicist and agent and he will say whatever normie tier garbage he is paid to say. When you have actors give interviews or make statements they are still acting.

He did, at first. Max Von Sydow's character from 7 was supposed to be Wedge but he said he wouldn't come back unless Wedge was a major character
Then he comes back for 2 seconds and a single line
I wonder why he changed his mind

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>Bring back Wedge
>Have him onscreen for 2 seconds saying one line

W H A T IS TH E F U C K I N G P O I N T?????

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you realize that Patrick Stewart's political views are *the* reason why Star Trek is now suddenly so dark and violent and hateful and hopeless and full of random bigotry.
STD tried to make it super serious, everyone hated it, then they added dumb lines like "what i like science!" to make it 'quirky,' and people still hate it because IT'S NOT STAR TREK.
for STP, they probably originally intended to lure back old fans and let them know Star Trek could return. Stewart had other ideas and refused to participate unless the universe of Star Trek was (for some reason) your typical Hollywood liberal's view of Trump voters: dumb, angry, hateful towards everyone but their own race for no reason, unbelievably cruel and vicious, and advocates for unapologetic genocide.

read any interview, he freely admits he did not want to return until the writers and producers told him that he could make a statement about Trump and why the European Union is awesome.

why didn't he say
>ooohaaah, that got 'em!

I think this time he was offered a paycheck.

maybe he got tired of alt-right retards approaching him at cons saying they love TNG and its utopian ideals when they themselves are the cancer preventing that future

Interesting take, user.
>Look, I know you and everyone else actually involved with the project are saying that this utopian-future being turned into a racist nightmare world is a direct response to a currently serving US President... buuuuut I'm smart and know the real truth behind everything! So, nope, that's all bullshit and I'm correct!
How did you manage to convince yourself this post made sense?

Why couldn't they at least get Data's hair and eyes right? Did makeup artists no longer exist in 2019 when this was produced?

The reason everyone in Star Trek is happy with each other is because nobody needs to work for anything, they work because they want to better themselves or because they are passionate.

You cannot have a Star Trek Earth in real life until replicators exist, sorry. Even if everyone was happy and communal, there would still be class conflict due to the need to many people to work to earn a living and to provide for their fellow citizens.

>simping to Patrick Stewart
>admiring Star Trek-style utopia

I cannot believe this is a real character in 2020 on a famous show on a major network

Its a misconception that Star Trek is communal or communist. Its a highly meritocratic but post-scarcity society.

They have no "money" because we they have no scarcity and thus no need to represent value.

Their currency is experience in whatever field they choose to follow, but there are still "businesses" or at least vocations on earth. SHops, entertainers, farms etc.

Is this bait? I know this board is goofy but this seems too stupid to be real.

>post-scarcity society.
I think this is one of the more interesting themes of the show. Do they ever discuss any population control measures to maintain this equilibrium?

A $50k check for a day's work will change anyone's mind.

A cursory glance at the John B Calhoun mouse utopia, or current first world countries shows that people have have sub-replacement fertility when given infinite resources. The problems in Star Trek are with getting people to have kids, not with people having too many.

Humans are sent by the Federation to colonize uninhabited worlds.

Gotta separate the art from the artist mate. There's a reason that the show was at its best when Berman and company were able to reign in Stewart's decision making powers for control of the show. Stewart is a legitimately good actor, you just have to make sure he has no control over the script.

Data's entire character was learning to be human. It makes sense that he would try to appear to age. Idk if they address this in the show.

Maybe he didn't want Wedge killed off the way they killed off Sydow? Doing Wedge in that way would be the capper on the shit sandwich that is nuWars.