Has Better Call Saul surpassed The Sopranos and The Wire?

Has Better Call Saul surpassed The Sopranos and The Wire?

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the wire? no and in the last 20 years only rectify came close. Sopranos? Man, like 50 shows surpassed it.

dunno lol

Can't judge until it's over of course

>having each episode filled with retarded montages
>having surpassed anything

When I saw that thumbnail I thought it was a ytp

its fucking boring



Yeah, probably, but it will be another 10 years until it's a fashionable enough opinion for Yas Forums to admit it

why does Yas Forums keep putting Sopranos and The Wire in the same category? is it an inside joke or something?

In terms of quality? All it has is pretense. In terms of memes, yes. Only redditors genuinely like the show.

Just a single first episode of BCS surpassed both The Sopranos and The Wire combain.


>Only redditors genuinely like the show
>All it has is pretense
You painted warhammer figures as a kid, didn't you

I honestly can't tell if i'm being meme'd all these years or Yas Forums really thinks this slow boring breaking bad money grab is entertaining. Literally nothing happens in the show. Unironicly.

>40 minutes of mike walking through an empty desert
>dude is like 85 years old
>stronger than fucking Batman and Superman combined
>Saul does boring shit and nothing funny like he did in Breaking Bad. Last episode at least it was becoming a little bit like Breaking Bad, nice gunfights. But also so slow. Just an hour of Mike and Saul walking through the desert. Had to forward the progress bar a few times to see if something interesting started happening yet and it was only like 1 car rollover or something also caused by Super Unstoppable 85 year old Mike.

oh and inb4

>waaaa its supposed to be a slow burn for intelligent people

or some other cringe wannabe fanboy shit

no ozark did

Attached: Ozark_102_Unit_02241R_CC3-1.jpg (780x520, 82.01K)

take your ADHD meds, zoomer. Imagine having such a fucking pathetic attention span. Let me guess, 2001 is 'boring and pretentious'

not even close lol, fucking retarded zoomer OP

>waaa if you find it boring you are a zoomer, short attention-span or whatever

just admit its a boring cash grab

>it's a "Mike takes a shit for two episodes straight" dual episode

the wire is trash

>buh duuhhh zoomer zoomer guhh duuhhh zoomer zoomer zoomer
ok boomer

BCS has the most delusional fanbase ever.
>I'm glad the show is slow and boring and doesn't make sense and isn't funny

Better Call Saul hasn't even passed Breaking Bad, crawl back into Yas Forums.

2001 is not pretentious, but I can definitely understand that some people find the beginning boring. The problem of BCS is that it never picks up from the boredom.


by definition being bored with something means that you can not properly focus on it due to prior flaws or behaviors or quirks that inhibit you from actually focusing so yeah i think the ADHD claim is valid

>2001 is 'boring and pretentious'

It is.

this is exactly how I feel but with the wire. I got to episode 5 then dropped it