Cast him

Cast him

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Q from Impractical Jokers

A bald Hugh Jackman would worked it fine.

Btw, i recommend to anyone who like Lisa to watch Children of Men, since it's based on the book that some of the Lisa elements are inspired of. Good shit, for sure.

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Idris Elba

Thanks for the rec


Who would the main cast accompanying him on his journey consist of?
I was thinking that Terry Hintz would be a deuteragonist, but he is too videogamey for a movie.
Maybe Fardy Hernandez since he is the most plot relevant characters out of the bunch (but he is far from the most interesting).

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Karl Urban

Or David Harbour

I wouldn't know how to cast any of them honestly. You need incredible range for everyone. My first real issue with a script would be figuring out how to visualize combat without it looking silly.

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Terry would work. Just have his tutorials be him saying the obvious in a attempt to be Brad's friend. Nern and Olan would be the mains along with this guy.

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Actually it could be made to look silly on purpose.
I think it could work as a black comedy.

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this era javier bardem would've been perfect for terry, same schizo energy and range.

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Embrace the whole perverts and weirdos setting

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Terry, Olan, Nern, and Fardy. To start.
Olan is replaced by Rage when he leaves randomly at night.
Nern is replaced by Ollie when he is killed by a gang.
Rage is replaced by SHOCKLORD during the wrestling comp.
All current characters are killed off when Brad chooses to save the nipple.
Brad then gains Buff Van Dyke, Buckets (moved), and Yazan.
Brad then kills these characters for security of the make-shift boat to Rando's Island.

I know this means no finale big speech from the 3 party members about needing to fight Brad for the future but it was nonsensical anyway and removing the nipple slice to allow it seems lame to me. And no, canon Brad would never not save the nipple.

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Sounds really fucking shit desu

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You could still have that speech. Just have Terry be spared so that brad can kill him on the rando island.
They only kill 3 people in game and it makes sense someone as lonely as Terry would think him and Brad were friends and that he would stop

It's me trying to stay realistic to the game while allowing more characters to have screentime. Having just 3 or 4 mains for the whole thing means so many characters and areas get removed. I don't even like most of the characters I suggested but its what I think would make sense.

Are you saying you wouldn't kill anyone off until the island?
Man people fucking love that Terry speech. Yeah I guess you could change some stuff around to allow Terry to get to the island. I'd be ok with Terry giving a different speech before being gun downed by Buzzo's goons though.

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What I mean by that is Brad that little regard for his teamates would make him extremely unlikeable and unrelatable to the audience (including most Lisa fans).
I think the team should mostly stay the same so that the final scene would be much more impactful (it was one of the games highlights at least for me).
Also I don't know why Olan would just leave like that.

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Most of the areas are optional, you could still finish the game without experiencing most of the content

>Are you saying you wouldn't kill anyone off until the island?
I'm saying that Brad in the movie should be at least somewhat sympathetic, which could be achieved by him not being a completely uncaring asshole.

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just make it a martial arts movie, tone down or remove the fireballs and dragon ball z lasers, and every now and then they have to fight the monsters from the thing

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Brad did have little regard for them. He sheds no tears for any of them, not once. They are a means to an end.
Now for the player/audience? Yeah that's a different story. But i'm not looking at it from my perspective, i'm looking at it from Brads. I added Olan leaving because he is one of the characters that has a chance to leave during sleep events. He almost always left me when I played.

Making Brad care about his group could work but it means lots of changes and added dialogue for Brad. He says almost nothing throughout the game unless talking to an antagonist or Buddy.
It could work, it's just not how I would do it. I'd kill and replace people just like what would happen in almost all my runs. I didn't even mention the roulette mini.
>Most areas are optional
True, i'd like to explore some of them though.

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Choosing which mutants would be hard.

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>Making Brad care about his group could work but it means lots of changes and added dialogue for Brad
Aren't his sacrifices enough to show that he cares?

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His sacrifices are mostly optional. I believe he would try to spare who he could but if it came down to Buddy or three guys he met a few days ago. Well he seems like the kind of user who would say Buddy did no wrong in the Joyful is all.

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i always got the impression that brad's been living in a fucked up world so long he's learned to not give a shit at all about the idiots and perverts living in it, his gang consisting of the people he trusts just slightly more than the average person (although he still doesn't want any of them near buddy). even his childhood friends he's extremely wary of. it's also why buddy matters so much to him and why he'd sacrifice everything for her.
it's also why rando works so well as his foil, because even though he's suffered as much as brad and has never had a friend in his life, he's got a heart of gold, and still sees the world as worth saving even though he's surrounded and worshiped by rapists and murderers.

You know I haven't really thought how the nipple sacrafice would be from Brad's perspective.
From a gameplay standpoint it's not even an arguement since there is no gameplay effect if you choose to cut the nipple but from Brad's point of view he has to chose between the lives of three expendable men versus having his daughter and the world's only female be mutilated.

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>not the best crew of all time
Terry, Birdy, and Shocklord

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I dunno I worry that the whole WWE subplot might be too distracting for a movie.

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Bald Hugh Jackman and Vin Diesel in a luchador mask would be a great team though.

>Bald Hugh Jackman and Vin Diesel in a luchador mask
I change my mind, it would be peak kino.

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Was this game popular? I played it last year and loved it

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Not really compared to other indie games

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Cast him

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Clint is too much of a big guy for me to post lol

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