Why are films still 24fps? It's like watching a blurry slideshow

Why are films still 24fps? It's like watching a blurry slideshow

Attached: 60fps.png (230x230, 7.87K)

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I don't think you watch many films

The human eye can't even process more than 24fps at a time. It's pointless tech gimmickery.

Imagine watching Your Name in 60 fps

I know it's a shitty trick, but I force 60 fps in everything.

This is your brain on gaming, kid

SVP or something better?

you'd have to be a braindead moron to think 60fps looks good for films youtube.com/watch?v=8jgztdB2_hs

muh soap opera effect

not him, but I use SVP

This looks great though.

because too many frames look really bad
24 fps is perfect for movies

CGI will become much more expensive.

that looks soothing af

weak bait, you dumb subhuman

look here motherfucker TV is historically 59/60 Hz and to save cost many TV shows were shot on tape instead of film, at ~30 fps frame rate
so to anyone who's not a goyphone fellating zoomer higher frame rate looks like shit because of that

Filming at higher framerates requires more light and playback at high framerates means good slow motion requires even higher recording framerates so the lighting gets all fucky.

looks awful


>Muh high frame rates
Imagine loving the taste of cock this much.

No, bluesky frame rate converter with AMD fluid motion video. I read videos in media player classic.
It adds mixed frame between frames. I can't tell if it's better than SVP, to be honest.

Attached: 2020-04-13_20-02-24.jpg (226x55, 2.6K)

24 fps is the most efficient way of filming so you don't waste film. it's from the old days before everything went digital.

The 19th century wrote, they want you back

Ok boomer.

1:it looks shit
2: would literally have to double storage and rendering time
3) what said

I only watch 3dcg porn movies in 60 fps converted to 240 to watch on my budget gaming monitor

Have you seen Gemini man? It's sickening to watch.

it makes movies look like cheap soap operas, it's super distracting and shitty looking imo

Did you see The Hobbit? Even at 48fps the movie had a weird sitcom quality.

>dude just triple the bitrate for no good reason


This isn't real 60fps, it's that interpolation technique.