Rupaul's Drag Race

How are you enjoying the season so far? I loved seeing queen AOC be a guest judge last episode

Jan was robbed though. Gigi bores me.

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good bait omg i haven't seen him in a long time
like an old-school WBC throwback

These “people” should be round up and dumped into the African Savannah and hunted with spears.
100% this

AOC sucks but anyway I legit hope joey gugliametti gets hit by a truck
What a scummy cunt

The leaked spoilers says that guest Jeff Goldblum will cry watching the lip sync. I'm ready for the cringe

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>if you don't support the sin that is homosexuality you're baiting

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>being an unironic christcuck
leave this thread lmao

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I dont know about you guys but I would

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>being a degenerate sodomite
Find the Lord

>when asked about trannies removing the "you got she-mail" from his show by mass complaining to the network
You know, I didn’t do that. The network did that, and you’d have to ask them why they did it, but I had nothing to do with that.

>when asked about the difference between trans and drag
We mock identity. They take identity very seriously. So it’s complete opposite ends of the scale.

>when asked about his pronouns
You can call me he. You can call me she. You can call me Regis & Cathy Lee; I don't care! Just as long as you call me

Rupaul everyone

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Can't wait for the meltdown when ____Jan___ goes home next week

shaping up to be season 10 2.0

top 4 is the fashion twink winner like aquaria, the annoying fat ass everyone hates like eureka, black pageant queen like asia and the hot guy like kameron.

not to mention the loveable unpolished black underdog that gets eliminated halfway like monique


I hope everyone involved gets AIDS.

I believe anyone involved in that show should be put in a gas chamber

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wtf I love rupaul now?

Better a christcuck than a fag

Not even a little bit

I have a hard time anyone earnestly likes the big fat drag queens like jujubee, seems like some inclusivity bullshit.

Based and redpilled


allying yourself with trannies makes sure you lose the mainstream vote forever.

>big fat drag queens like jujubee
wait, what?

Attached: jujubee.jpg (301x400, 21.11K)

>you can call me ray
>you can call me gay
>just don’t call me homo I fucked your mom today

Reminder that fags are mentally ill

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but they are not trannies. rupaul is infamous for not including transitioned contestants on the show

>drag queens are heroes leading change
Why are liberals so cartoonishly evil?

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one on the left looks like Spawn

not that i like drag queens or any of that mentally ill culture, but fags like you being the mainstream is also not my thing

>fags and trannies are the same
at least know what you're getting mad at
jesus christ

As a father to a young daughter, this makes me so angry I can't describe it. What emasculated losers are fathers to those girls? They should lose custody.

>Yas Forums doesn't like drag race anymore
Yas Forums really did ruin this website, huh