so what are you going to do with your 1200 trumpbux?
So what are you going to do with your 1200 trumpbux?
Why do people think the background in this scene is cgi it's clearly on a real builder persons site
I'm going to Disney world!!
nothing cause i'm yuropoor and only getting 350 euros
Buying a half pound of weed
Part of my mortgage payment
I will buy a gigantic 'FUCK COMMIES AND FUCK COMMIE VIRUS' billboard and put it in Berkeley.
gonna go make some pancakes with my QT fireman boyfriend
subscribing to about a dozen onlyfans
kill tony soprano
Wife and kid bitch!
Best part is both of us are essential and have been working this whole time. But yeah i’ll take some money
how does the trumpbux system work back in yurop?
best part about this meme is that everyone already sort of imagined geonosis in the background of the original shot since the lighting and ground fit so perfectly, when i first saw this meme i thought it was the regular shot before i looked closer, thats how perfect it is
is star wars the rise of skywalker worth watching at all? the last jedi was pretty garbage. star wars is pretty gay but i like space movies
>i like space movies
based brainwashed-by-NASA poster
its fun. id say watch it, by the end of the movie youll have absolutely no drive left to watch any other star wars related movie or tv show and thatll be the end of it.
Is Trumpbux even going to go through at all? I don't see it approving afaik
I’m considering trying my hand at investing anf stocks but I have no fucking clue where to start
yes. I even went on a field trip there in elementary school.
thanks user
Lol you trumpcucks got cucked hard, you'll never see a cent of that money it all went to corporations and special interest groups. Drumph played you fools like the cultists you are and hes laughing all the way to the bank. You lose, just like you're going to lose come November.
mines pending in the bank rn, itll go to whichever card you direct deposited to when you filed your taxes. otherwise itll be sent via check.
>heres how bernie can still win
shut the fuck up willy wonka
When are we actually getting those checks, boys?
Also I was kinda thinking about spending it on some meme shit like valve's VR headset, but those are apparently on back-order for months. So IDK, probably just continue to save money for a down payment.
Wait you don't sign up for anything?? When will it finally deposit officially for everyone?
Buying a fucking gun, you're a fool if you do anything else
You only need to manually sign up if you're a disgusting NEET who didn't file taxes at all in 2018 or 2019. Otherwise it just automatically gets sent to the account info on file for your tax returns.
what's the original scene ?
Perfection. Well glad I'm no piece of shit neet. Do you know a rough estimate on when it deposits though? Will it be soon?
interesting, are guns really that cheap?
I wont get any because I just turned 18 and failed to get a job and pay taxes
Get your shit together everyone!
Well there's a tremendous range in prices but yeah you can get a perfectly good shotgun for 200 bucks easy
Hey retard, some people already have their money.
If you actually had a job and paid taxes you would too.
within the next 3 weeks for most people if you have used direct deposit with the IRS before
>letting yourself get ripped off on guns/ammo from scalpers right now
Should have already had all that shit, panic buyer.
>within the next 3 weeks for most people if you have used direct deposit with the IRS before
Oh shit awesome. I used Turbo Tax so that shouldn't even matter I would assume.
i might just look into that, where would you go to get those kinds of prices?
>implying I don't know when I'm getting ripped off
And what, because I should have gotten it before that means I shouldn't get it now? This is such a stupid fucking post. What are you even doing? Gatekeeping on cheap guns? I can't even imagine being this humongous of a fucking faggot.
More gun
reminder if youre a neet living at home you arent getting shit fucking degenerates
>mommy help im getting made fun of for not already being prepared!!
Go ahead and end your life with that Hi Point you probably just paid $400 for lmao
>I actually hurt his feelings
wow sorry dude
Except we are. Stay mad wagie.