Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


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I wouldn't be bothered at all if that was legit.

>kinoian murphy


>not sho fahst Mistah Strange
>you see, I've made ah deal with the otha Hell'ordsh

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>Elizabeth Olsen is in this too


That plus Cumbarbatch, Olsen, Ejiofor, Wong and Swinton makes for a pretty kino cast.

Robert is that you? Glad to see you’ve made it big, bud!

Big yikes

Only Marvel movie I’m looking forward to

>Aldis Hodge
Oh fuck yeah, happy this dude is getting more work. Leverage was top tier and he and Elliot were the best characters there.


Looks pretty great, is this supposed to be a complaint for some reason?

>I looked forward in time, I saw 6,000,000 futures.
>In how many of them did the Holocaust happen?


I'm a gay crippled black zoomer retard. this looks really good.


I hate rebecca fergusen. The lady jessica my ass. They should have cast jennifer aniston

So who the fuck are they playing. I'm not versed in capeshit.

>Clea; Strange's Love Interest
>Miss America; some alien who can punch portals to Universes and has a very bad recent book
>Nightmare; the Lord of Dreams years before Sandman
>Brother Voodoo; magical voodoo nigger
BTW this cast isn't official or anything, it's just fanmade. OP's b8ing.

The characters are confirmed, and Moner and Murphy have been rumored before, though.

There is a black dude, so for some reason means there is an agenda, they want to kill the white man, yada yada yada. Same tiresome stuff you see posted on here every day

No, everything is confirmed. Even America was rumored simply because of a casting call. It might be that Latina Sorcerer Supreme from that book a year back.

> Dick becomes so hard it warps reality.

> Nightmare creates a vision of Olsen, Moner, and Ferguson spanking each other to torment Strange. That scene should be at least 30 minutes long IMHO.

Insiders already said it's America to set up the Young Avengers.

Here we go, another MCU movie with actress without any ass
New more memes are coming

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Are you of the homosexual variety, lad?

Stop spreading this bullshit you made up around faggot


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>casting a nigger for a nigger character
enought with the black washing

Just watch porn, coomer.

Thanks Raimi I love it

he's playing brother voodoo who is like a blade-tier blaxploitation style character
I think they've made him more legitimate in the past few years tho