The absolute STATE of late night

This is absolutely fucking stunning.

>10,000 in MSPaint
>MUH RUSHA talking point from 2016

But worst of all is the fucking bill labeled "LIE". I'm assuming the artist behind this never actually saw the short that character came from, because if they did it would make absolutely no fucking sense. I can only surmise that the Bill in this case is just a sentient scroll of paper that Trump wrote a lie on and then helpfully labeled it as a lie. Maybe he's going to wipe his ass with the lie scroll or something? I don't know. That would be even more confusing.

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Dude, born millionaire TV celebrity totally understand the plight of the working class American. He’s just like me!

you can tell this is aimed strictly at gen x and older
millennials barely remember schoolhouse rock and zoomers have literally no idea

He unironically does, at least, better than any professional Washington type. His campaign was sheer brilliance and tapped directly into the plight of the working american. At the very least he surrounds himself with people who deeply understand it, and exploit it better than any other presidential campaign in modern american history, to win office as a complete outsider to politics.

All I know there's a lot of flag burners that have too much freedom and I wouldn't mind if it was legal for policemen to beat them because there are limits to are liberty. At least I hope and pray that there are, because those liberal freaks go too far.

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Dilate, tranny.


4 more years

Trump supporters are really autistic

just like all your media darlings and their rich connected parents?

cool it with the antisemitic remarks

id beat the hell out of you. youd have to call the amberlamps rather than the cops. you weak motherfucker. leave america.

Yep. It’s weird how out of touch the Democrats are, especially this year. Talking about abortions for trannies, free health care for illegals, and doing parts of their speeches in Spanish. It appeases the far left I guess but it just alienates the working class American. Meanwhile the shit Trump talks about is shit they’re concerned about and he says things they agree with. These are people who feel isolated, alienated, ignored, abused, and marginalized by a system that is supposed to work for them but doesn’t. I thought Democrats had learned their lesson but nope. Biden is the only one who remotely appeals to them and no shit he won the nomination.


Yes because he's high IQ.

Yeah, who do they expect me to vote for? Finger-poppin Joe? Get real.

Dems and leftist media never ceases to surprise me. When Cuomo a couple weeks ago was crying about Trump, shitting on him and claiming that 30,000 NYers were gonna die he was all over CNN and they were playing it over and over again, and interviewing him about the hell situation. Then it turned out they had enough beds, have enough ventilators and are managing the situation quite well. Cuomo gave a press conference in which he said Trump had actually 'delivered for New York' and been easily accessible. He was on CNN later that day and all they did was attack him for saying something good about Trump.

Go ahead, throw your vote away on drumph. Real americans will take back this country with or without your vote, screenshot this post you're done for come November lmao

Mularkey-peddler detected

Be honest, you were never gonna vote for a Dem even if he was Clinton or John F fuckin Kennedy

Yea totally, my commie candidate will totally give us all free money and transition surgeries and we would all be millionaires and own yachts with absolutely no repercussions!
Corn Pop was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did and back in those days – to show how things have changed – one of the things you had to use, if you used Pomade in your hair, you had to wear a baby cap. And so he was up on the board and wouldn’t listen to me. I said, ‘Hey, Esther, you! Off the board, or I’ll come up and drag you off.’ Well, he came off, and he said, ‘I’ll meet you outside.’

My car this – was mostly, these were all public housing behind us. My car – there was a gate on here. I parked my car outside the gate. And I – and he said, I’ll be waiting for you. He was waiting for me with three guys with straight razors. Not a joke. There was a guy named Bill Wright Mouse the only white guy and he did all the pools. He was a mechanic. And I said, ‘What am I gonna do?’ And he said. ‘Come down here in the basement, where mechanics – all the mechanics – where all the pool builder is.’ You know the chain, there used to be a chain that went across the deep end. And he cut off a six-foot length of chain, and folded it up and he said, ‘You walk out with that chain, and you walk to the car and say, ‘you may cut me man, but I’m gonna wrap this chain around your head.’

I said, ‘You’re kidding me.’ He said, ‘No if you don’t, don’t come back.’ And he was right. So I walked out with the chain. And I walked up to my car. And in those days, you remember the straight razors, you had to bang ’em on the curb, gettin’ em rusty, puttin’ em in the rain barrel, gettin’ em rusty? And I looked at him, but I was smart, then. I said, ‘First of all,’ I said, ‘when I tell you to get off the board, you get off the board, and I’ll kick you out again, but I shouldn’t have called you Esther Williams, and I apologize for that. I apologize.--

BASED and Rorschach pilled

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your candidate will get corona'd way before November

are you unironically seething lmao

The sad part is Kimmel, Colbert, and even Fallon are all much funnier than what you can see from their shitty shows. But they have to please their network bosses. They have to hire the shitty writers that find this stuff funny.

> Colbert... much funnier than what you can see from their shitty shows
Bro, Colbert is literally a one-trick hack "comedian" that got where he is by putting in dues and sucking cock. His unironic artistic peak was a voice acting bit on an early Adult Swim stoner cartoon.

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>real americans
maybe the two americas should just separate?

I would give Mommy Tulsi my vote in a heartbeat

HA-Haaaaa! Bi-curious.

elections will be moved to november 2021