You now have access to a Holodeck. What do you do?
You now have access to a Holodeck. What do you do?
fuck underage alien prostitutes until I pass out from dehydration
i already have a holodeck
I fuck that hot klingon girl from like the eigth episode of TNG
She made my peepee feel funny
Fetishes and sex. What else?
Computer, create the contraption in pic related, put me in it, activate it and disengage safety protocols
daily reminder holodeck isn't real.
get training in hand to hand combat by the best fighters who ever lived.
bunch of 8 and 9 year olds
>Holodeck run the program
back in like 2006 or 7 my sister went on a drunken rant where she described how she would generate Kirk in his prime and watch him fuck two of the green girls
Suck on D'eanna's nipples while she is peeing on my lap.
Computer, combine assets of bane.exe with sneed.exe. Disengage safety protocols. Run program.
>Computer, analyze my body and create a psychological profile out of my personal data
>*beep beep*
>Now create a gf for me that matches and fits in with these factors
>"unable to compute"
imagine all the cum on the floor that the janitors have to mop up
I have a holomind
>Computer load Lt Yar and Counselor Troy Oil wrestling simulator.
reddit fantasy tbqh
I'm a steak and potatoes kinda guy. What can I say it doesn't have to be cunny and tranny porn for all of us.
Is there an in-universe explanation for all the exploding consoles?
Shouldn't a highly advanced society figure out that having crewmen getting severely wounded by exploding consoles as soon as the ship takes any damage is a bad thing?
Computer, grate a realistic recreation of Bryce Dallas Howard. Rescale er to 2.5 times her original height. Us this model of her in my existing program "too much chilli". For parameter "gas" set to maximum level. Disengage safety protocols.
Bryce"Uunnggg...I so fucking bloated and gassy, oh fuck i cant hold it in!"
Picard: Whats going on!
Data: It appears there was an explosion on Deck 19, in Holodeck 2
women don't fart user
Computer create 10 Sara Salazars and disable safety protocols
get voilently gangbanged by a pack of myselfs
I create an episode of Three's Company in which the girls have to infiltrate the Playboy Club as bunnies. Janet is forced to do everything I say to avoid getting trouble/embarrassed.
>Disengage safety protocols
based and dubschecked
>computer, please!
Wild sex fantasies that would get me reported to the Federation sex crimes division.
Conjure up a nice garden with a tiny waterfall and stream, sit down and do nothing.
>Computer, create a dozen replicas of myself. Scale their dimensions up by 20%. Increase their strength and sexual aggression to the maximum value. Decrease inhibitions to the minimum value. Set sexuality to auto-sexual..
>Disengage safety protocols.
Threesome with Emma Watson and Angie Varona.
Probably get really good at sword play.
>Computer, I am going into battle and I want only your strongest potions
Ask the computer to simulate my wildest sex fantasies before stopping it all and browsing a simulated porn site.
>Computer, generate a recreation of Sophia Lillis and base her personality on her interviews
>Lock doors and begin program
>Oh, and make her naked
I'd tell it to create a sentient program to be my opponent
Then I'd trick the program into living in a bottle and eventually forget about it while lecturing people about the sanctity of all forms of life on the reg
Computer, recreate my wedding day, including the ceremony, reception, and night afterwards. Don't include the part where she's hit by a car and dies two days later please. :(