What the heck were they thinking?

What the heck were they thinking?

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>ywn be leon in this situation
why live

why are the french so weird?

nothing weird with cute and funny girls

>finding Natalie Portman attractive is weird
imagine being this indoctrinated.

you are a pedophille you will hang from a noose on day of the rope

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>day of the rope

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I promise I'm a better shot and a lot meaner than you, sperg

post your jaw pedo

is this the best board

seethe some more degenerate pedo. you will hang from a tree like the rest of your kind

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You and and your whole family will die before that happens, sperg. Turn it down a notch.

i've actually fapped to all those

cry some more for me pedo. you will dangle from a tree and no one will mourn you

isn't this sorta based off the director's real relationship he had

>sorta based
was her family murdered and he saved her life?

actually checked it myself to see if it was real. it is... what the fuck how and why?

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you niece will

If you think I'm an evil pedophile then why do you think I would care if anyone mourns for me?

i'm NOT a pedo
i just enjoy fapping to pictures of little girls, like a normal fetish

we have over 9000 penises and they are all raping children.

pedos are scum of the earth, you will die a slow and agonizing death. remember that

fucking kek

>was her family murdered and he saved her life?
he dated a girl of a similar age gape and range


he's calling Yas Forums pedos

Where do you think you are

>that pantie shot at end of movie

holy fuckin based

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lol its just a joke bro

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It's contrasting a stone cold autist killer trying to be a dad to a traumatized girl. It was a good twist, kept him doubting his decision and urge to be rid of her

kek when was that one made?
>that dyvia pic