video game cinematography
video game criticism
Even in the finished movie, you can see the smoking incendiary prop that simulates the shell explosion. Pathetic
>long take good
There's so much more to this movie than this one shot gimmick that I forgot was even there.
Yeah, it's good. Your point being?
This webm is garbage
What is the context of this scene
Literally from 9gag. A friend of mine sent me this shit today and I'm sure half of these threads are made by 9gag and twitter fags
why does he run in a different direction
This but unironically and without any exception in the history of moving pictures
The guy who decides to play dead after running into him ruins the shot.
jesus op what fucked up software did you use to encode this.
They guy that bumped into him and just laid there on the ground was so retarded, ruined the experience when I saw it
maximum inauthenticity
The man is trying to rush to the commanding officer to deliver an order to call off the charge. He's too late and it's already begun. The most efficient way to get to him is over no man's land since the trenches are packed.
The last ten minutes are unfiltered kino. Jfc
After they go through the no man's land, the movie takes a real nosedive into stupid contrivance
plenty guys would find an excuse to play dead
Why did he just start walking in the beginning instead of going on a full sprint.
gotta wait for the camera
Why didn't his commanding officer just send a DM to McKenzie? Why bother sending people away for like 3 days time
Not bad, not bad... HOWEVER
>Yes. I agree Basedjak.
Why does he run like Sgt. Lincoln Osiris?
Your point is?
absolute based
holy fuck did cavill also jumped?
At least they didn't use CGI
The original video already looks awful so when I converted it to .webm it stays looking that bit-starved.
Why bother with the boom?
Whats your point? I would have been fine with it being CGI if it looked good.
>do all this shit practically
>final scene has so CGI storm and other added shit that it looks computer generated anyways
just why
hey this is exactly what I felt watching this. it felt very familiar then I remembered I recently just played GoW and TLOU
>cheesy music
>character jogging briskly in a warzone
Jesus christ I was getting sweaty just by watching this, one wrong move, one person being in a wrong position for too long and all 3 people could die or lose limbs
How does he do that without screaming and shitting himself?
since it's a wartime film, explosions are commonplace. I don't know why you asked why in such a simplified manner.