are we... frens?
Fren thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>but hates jews, niggers and chinks
>thinking we'll ever be frens
I'm 35 and have zero friends
here we com fren!
r/pepe here
No. We are brothers.
We're not so different, you and I.
go back, you fucking trannyme faggot.
We're not just friends were best friends user
what a gay ass thread filled with faggots
based and dare i say it redpilled
no bully why u bulling
>fren :)
>being a jew, nigger, or chink
why don't you just kill yourself?
I toldchu already, I ain't got no frens! I got a familia.
who hurt you you racist incel?
ahubuab blab pfff glglg pffshh?
for ever and ever
nobody, i just empathize with people who are born brown. You have no idea what it's like to be white, it's 10x better, everyone treats you normal, they give you jobs. The perks are endless. I would literally kill myself if I was brown.
Whats the one second from left?
i am your fren?
>all the unfrens in this thread of prophecy
>fren.. :')
epic and endangered euro-frogmen
Yes! Another fren thread!! I love posting goofy pictures of frogs and making ironic immature levity with other anons on this board. Haha it's like we're all some kind of internet family haha it's like we all share some degree of semblance
fuck off
why do u come and destroy everything of value