>sex scene
>woman orgasms before man
Sex scene
>sex scene
>woman doesn't take off bra
>man cums
>they don't immediately get up to take a piss and clean themselves up
>man doesn’t spit in his hand and lube himself before sliding it in
>he doesn’t wipe that hand off on his gf’s back afterwards
>sex scene
>they're under the blankets and not dying of heatstroke
>men goes into the bar
>he talks to the women
>it cuts straight into sex scene
>t. lowtest
I always make my girl come at least twice before I do.
>needing to lube up your girl
Yeah she's cucking you with Chad behind your back
>shower sex
>They don’t give up and move to the bed after 15 seconds
>man and woman have sex
>scene immediately cuts to the aftermath and the woman is covering herself with the sheets and looking away from the men in a depressed state
>drinks all night
>perfectly capable of full erection
>sex scene
>man satisfies a women to orgasm
Haha jews took your foreskin
>teenager grabs lube
Do americans really? Why would you need lube to fap? Don't tell me you guys are...
It's common knowledge that all womenist fake orgasims.
They don't exsist
It's just the feeling of joy they get when earning another suckah.
>sex scene
>they're in an impossible position that would break the man's dick
>sex scene
>it was a dream
Oy veyyy, don't tell me you still have the Hitler Flap on your penis? Cut it off! CUT IT OFF! You anti semite
>It's common knowledge that all womenist fake orgasims.
Fuck you, my underdeveloped labia was able to orgasm at six years old simply by dry humping our living room hard pillows.
>last gf came so easily I literally could not cum first because the harder I tried to cum the faster she came
Shut up slag
>has to thrust in the vagina for several minutes then still finish by jerking off because years upon years of masturbation
>cums when you breat down her neck or bite her ear because lol women
I'm so drunk right now that I thought I was on Yas Forums.
Apply Polly loggies
You know it's really going to be like that once the quarantine gets lifted. Girls will have been sitting at home stewing in there pusy juces and are going to fuck the first good-looking guy that talks to them.
It's going to be great friendos
>morning after
>girl deliberately covers tits with comforter
literally me (man)
I thought this was a meme until it happened to me...
have sex
> Random guy goes to bar alone
> Model-looking young girl hits on him
> Cuts straight into sex scene
Heheh yeah if only someone warned me.
women make me sick bros
>tfw pillows are better sexual performers than you
This. If I don't wipe her juices off my junk then it dries and get crusty which itches like a motherfucker. And you have like a three minute window before that happens for some reason
She is on a rebound.
stop fucking melons
It happens when you go down on her
>You know it's really going to be like that once the quarantine gets lifted. Girls will have been sitting at home stewing in there pusy juces and are going to fuck the first good-looking guy that talks to them.
>fuck a woman
>she doesn't cum
>fuck a woman and rub her clit at the same time
>she cums in like 2 minutes
why didn't movies ever tell me this
top kek I'm thinking about it everytime it gets me out of the movie
TFW i masturbate so hard I got deathgrip and can't perform on the rare chance I "have sex"
>sex scene
>after she wants to cuddle and you need to push her off several times until you give up.
In the winter no problem, but when it's a hot get to your own side of the bed.
The ear thing has a huge variance though. Same with nipples.
Some girls explose from that alone and start getting uncomfortably loud, others aren't phazed.
>sex scene
>man finishes in 2-3 pumps
>she doesn't get angry and berate him
>he doesn't hold back tears
what the circumcision has to do with it ? I'm uncut but I full on pull the skin so I'm penetrating with my glans
Me too user. Im too weak willed to stop masturbating too.
Is there anything more simpish than caring about the woman's orgasm?
How do I get a gf like this??
>sex scene
>man cums in 2-3 pumps
>ask for a discount
>man has sex with his wife without passive aggressively complaining about not getting laid to her for three weeks
>going to fuck the first good-looking guy that talks to them
like that has anything to do with me
>sex scene
>in the morning when the guy gets up the woman covers her tits with the sheets
I did this irl
gf wasn't happy at all
>man eats a girl out under the blankets
>doesn't have to surface up for air at all
No pepe due to range ban
This, i can make by gf cum just from doing this vanilla shit, it kinda ruined being naughty in bars and shit because of how easy it is and she’s a screamer
>sex scene
>the woman immediately goes for a blow job without being prompted to
>the man doesn't even have to negotiate and offer material wealth in exchange for a disinterested fellatio
>eating out girls
Low test beta
>man and woman in movie have baby
>it's not an accidental fuckup and they don't panick that their intellectual life and meeting friends is over now
>sex scene
>man cums
>She opens her eyes to see his expression
>sex scene
>man goes in for a kiss
>woman keeps her eyes open the whole time
are you still six years old
My buddy had a professor tell the class almost this exact same thing on the final day of the semester. Professor is a new mom and is giving the class a few final bits of life advice before saying goodbye. She gives a few practical pieces of advice and finishes off with "And finally, this one is for the ladies. Breastfeed. It's free, it's always the right temperature, and I'm not going to lie, it feels pretty damn good."
He's been telling us that story for 15 years now.