Why is Peggy unable to act as anything besides

Why is Peggy unable to act as anything besides
>downtrodden and annoyed
>furious and sad about it
I'm on my third rewatch and she get's progressively bad while other characters get progressively good

Attached: peggy-olsen-lg.jpg (700x1000, 73.92K)

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because she's ugly

Don't know who she is, but she was distractingly ugly in Invisible Man.

she really turns into an asshole once she gets promoted at the office

jewish neuroticism

neither the actor not the character are Jewish though?
admittedly, the show can be very Jewish at times

She's distractingly ugly in Mad Men too. You mean to tell me she attracts half the office while competing with THIS? Come on son

Attached: Screen-Shot-2015-05-18-at-12.19.50-PM.png (800x533, 1.13M)

She's a scientologist :^)

Shovelface lookin ass

She actually gets hot around s4 IMO

>I'm on my third rewatch
Get a fucking hobby. Stop pissing your life away. No reason to watch anything more than once.

No, her whole thing until like Season 5 is that shes a deprecating supplicant. As Freddy tells her before he advises her to leave SCDP she acts like a “secretary from Brooklyn looking to help out”
Elisabeth Moss is obnoxious and post-wall but you should consider having sex as it sounds like Incelitus is warping your perception of fiction

>No reason to watch anything more than once.
The voice of reason resides on Yas Forums of all places.

Stuck home, working out, painting, working during the day and watching Mad Men with my gf at night. Shut your cock vacuum up son

her ending is cute and wholesome


by the time jane shows up peggy is already copywriter with her own office.

She's the only character in the entire show who I couldn't buy. If she'd been played by an even slightly attractive actress most of the issues with her character would disappear.

Fuck I hate ugly people bros

ive changed as a person since the first time i watched mad men, i wonder if my mental illness will cause me to hate it this time around

What does you bring a tranny have to do with the show

wildly overrated

I hate fuck ugly people bros

Bros I fuck ugly hate

Not sure but I want someone to tell me. how do they rate suits in comparison to Mad men

the way the show tries to rely on character arcs to tie everything up is the weakest thing about it. Don & Peggy both kind of just run out of character development, Peter gets a sincere happy ending instead of the comedic/farcical one I was hoping for. Only Joan's surprised me. the best thing about the show was always about making fun of sixties social mores.

One of her best scenes, I guess Roger has a way of bringing it out of the other characters

Possibly one of the least attractive women of all time.

Why is Peggy so damn ugly bros?

I have the impression suits is made for wannabe rich bro dudes who think they are above average while watching a glamorized telenovela. The kind of person who posts Don Draper pics with random succes quotes on insta.
Didn't even click the video but I already know it's the piano scene. Damn was Roger great

>deprecating supplicant.
what did he mean by this