What do Deano and the lads watch?

What do Deano and the lads watch?

Attached: Deano in his natural habitat.jpg (750x744, 569.01K)

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Capeshit because anything else is "for fags"

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Why do people dress like this I don’t get it it looks so childish

I thought Deano doesn't like Capeshit and he jus sticks exclusively to football and whatever reality TV show the missus likes to watch(Deano secretly likes X-factor but he's too self conscious to admit)


Everything on Netflix

you seen that Tiger King m8?

she used to be a qt

Peaky Blinders

Tango and Deano would NOT get along.

Deano only follows England when its time to sing "10 German Bombers"

But he explains it to you wrong


Love Island.

What do people like this do under lockdown when they can't attentionwhore in public?

Tik Tok

big brother love island the bachelor

have sex

Since when is deano a richfag with a range rover/merc in nice part of town?

Play Fifa or Football Manager, the missus just sits on Instagram or Facebook I guess.

they're on finance mate
>nice part of town
what? a newbuild deanobox? nice part of town? what shithole do you live in mate

>they're on finance mate
financing new rangerover and a Mercedes makes him a poorfag? that's a nice house, not a shithole at all, stop seething, this guy in pic is rich.

Will Deano thrive or be set back economically after Corona virus is over and done with?

the money him and his missus didn't spend at costa or river island, they'll splash out on a nice holiday to majorca because they deserve it.

the guy in the pic is in a lot of debt mate



and you know this for a fact or do you just assume by looking at the picture that he finances his cars and is in debt

he'll get laid off but will spin or deny it to his mates and take out more loans

its just the deano archetype-joke mate, you retard johnny foreigner

the footie mate, ngubu and ronaldo walk around like that

sounds like you poorfags seething but i'll leave you to it.

>financing new rangerover and a Mercedes makes him a poorfag?
Yes, literally

nah you're just a foreigner that is too autistic to get the joke

manageable debt.


paying off the interest eh, lol


They read OP.

king of tigers

Deano goes on holidays to places like Spain, Portugal, Amsterdam, and occasionally Poland, or Croatia with the footy lads. Always, usually sticking to the British exclusive pubs. Why? Because they went there last year.

very likely lol.
It amazes me people will take interest only mortgages

You've never been to a cinema in England? Full of Deanos buying t-shirts for the new Marvel crap

I get the "joke" but it's retarded and exactly something poorfag bitter jealous person would come up with.

no, its just you making up "richfags" and "poorfags" and pretending that i'm seething, just because you couldn't understand a off-hand joke, you mong

how does one become a Deano?


ok I did that yesterday, I would today but I already coomed twice.. what now?

>If I keep saying "poorfag" maybe they'll think I have money

Cringe m8

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Do Deanos like mexican americans? I want to befriend one

Deanos wouldn't know what you were

>Can't do any bricklaying, closed
>Can't go to pub, closed
>Can't go out on the lash, closed
>Can't invite mates round, closed
>Can't go to ex gf's flat for a quck shag, closed
>Can't go round me nan's for a roast, closed
>Can't watch any football, closed
>Can't bet on any football, closed
>Can't get any Greggs, closed
>Can't go to Nando's, closed
>Can't go the McDonald's/asda car park and meet up with the lads comparing out speaker systems, closed
>Can't go to gym, closed
>Can't pick a fight with the uni lot in my town, closed
>Can't get another £5k loan that I use to spend it on modifying my car, closed
>Can't listen to the roses imanbek remix while speeding around for hours
>Can't meetup with my dealer to talk about maybe getting into dealing like we do every week
>Have to stay at my current girl's flat
>Have to spend time with the little un
>Have to watch the news coz of this flu

If not for Fifa, Football Manager and free pornhub premium I might actually go nuts.