What the hell was that?

What the hell was that?

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the latest A24 masterpiece


A great movie
Reminder that A24 hating soijak spammers literally prefer fart jokes and jumpscares to actual integrity

a shit movie, that's what it was. I'm convinced people who like this movie are just forcing themselves to like it.

Lighthouse has like half a dozen fart jokes


but this movie had a monologue that ended in a descent into madness about farts.


An account of descent into madness. Genuine horror.


I went to see it three times by myself in the theater.
Just forced myself yes lmao


i'm not a right winger but i find it annoying how the vvitch glorifies female sexuality and independence while in the lighthouse male sexuality is inherently evil

I don't understand threads like this as if they watched some abstract piece or something.

It's fairly straightforward and simple just like The Witch, it's literally about two 1890s New England lighthouse keepers being stranded on a remote island for too long alone

Yea you did, because nothing else interested you at the time. You're pretending to have free will over your repeated viewings of the film when in reality, it's just a coping mechanism.

Someone has read Joyce

I don't like this movie at all. Yet I genuinely enjoyed the VVitch and watching Willem Dafoe play an old timey seaman was excellent. Why'd it miss the mark as a whole, I still can't put my finger on it?

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The Witch literally shows females as Satanic baby mashers.

That's what you get with a basedcuck director who buys into all the toxic masculinity buzzword bullshit theory

People like this are unable to comprehend of why other people enjoy a certain film so their defense mechanism fires up calling everyone else dumb, trying to convince themselves that literally everyone that enjoys it is merely pretending to enjoy it just so they feel a tiny bit better about themselves as they further dwelve in their own delusion.
Just go back to your videogames

The ending is much more harrowing and unpleasant than VVITCH’s

I like them both very much

>it annoying how the vvitch glorifies female sexuality and independence
Nigger what. It starts with a VVitch grinding up a baby to rub on her disgusting roastie body

>Hello how do you do fellow non-Yas Forums posters, haha women are terrible and everything is degenerate.

>because nothing else interested you at the time
Quite a lot of great films were out at that time actually. It just happens that The Lighthouse is the most engaging audiovisual experience.

I'd pay double the price now to experience it again in theater

that's literally what (((they))) want people to accept

Entry level arthouse

>trailer makes it look like a suspenseful claustrophobic horror movie
>it's just two fags jacking off, farting and screaming at each other for 2 hours and nothing remotely frightening happens
>dude everything is a penis lmao
I was duped into watching this garbage. The actors did a great job with what they had though.

No, it's not the bleakness of the ending. It's I don't know, the film seems to meander. Ok, the dudes are going insane, but something was also off from the very beginning too and its like soooo "what?". Maybe I'm just Marvel watching manchild who can't into art, but I felt it lacked something to latch onto. A descent into paranoia needs a payoff for me, and this movie jusut kind of had them fall into madness to make various scenes. I understand this movie is some kind of adaptation of prometheus, but just because a movie "has depth bro" doesn't make it good. I dunno, I liked all the scenes as if they were short little movies, eh meh.

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Yeah man, Eggers want people to accept horribly disfigured old satanic grannies mashing newborns to paste and smearing it on themselves as normal, spot on my man.

>Stop liking what I don't like!

You need to be an alcoholic to understand this movie.

You're one of us now!

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yet those satanic rituals are presented as liberating her an oppressive family

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Kino with a pretentious ending.

>her an oppressive family
They weren't even oppressive, seemed like a pretty lax bunch until they started suspecting Witchery

I don't think her selling her soul in the end is supposed to be a good thing user.

And they weren't even wrong. Most any movie about 1600s people suspecting a witch would be beating you over the head with how stupid they were because "hurr durr religion", but the whole point in this movie was they were explicitly correct to suspect witchcraft they just weren't able to fight it off.

I rejected it the first time I watched it, even though I'd been compelled start to finish, I was disappointed and definitely disturbed.
But I couldn't stop thinking about it. It stuck with me in a way that no movie had in ages.
So I went back and watched it again and enjoyed it even more. Now, I'd say, it's good. 8/10.

The flying up on a firey whirlwind represents madness and shedding of morality but ok.

her dad is an idiot that got them exiled, her mother is hysteric and her brother wants to fuck her

I agree, I felt like it was missing a fourth wheel, so to speak. I think it adds to the dreamy quality of some scenes but it definitely left me wanting something more concrete

I just want a more conventional movie with Dafoe as a sea captain. Have him keep the facial hair and intensity and have him act in a period correct 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea or something.

I strongly recommend Wake in Fright to anyone who enjoyed The Lighthouse

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They weren't opressive. They were crazy protestants and got even crazier during the movie.

I think a having young dude open the light do the static scream (which was very cool) and then you just cut to black and have a final scene with men from the replacement boat coming ashore and walking around the island looking at the trashed cabin and the two dead guys (Dafoe in the cabin and Pattenson on the rocks or something) would have made it slightly better at least as an ending. Keeps the "wtf" quality but regrounds the movie in the real world a bit.