>let's insert a mexican stronk female character for no reason
bravo cameron
Let's insert a mexican stronk female character for no reason
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>let's insert a russian jew actress to play a mexican stronk female character
>thinks there is no reason
user, you need to learn the first thing about hoolywood.
HEHE I know bro hehe let's play fortnite! Faggot.
She is a white, red head jew, user.
looks like that dude from tzernobyl memes
Jew, user.
The person you posted is a jew.
are you okay?
It's called characters. Movies usually have many of those.
When can you tell it's forced inserting vs regular casting of non-white males?
the character is a spic you fucking akshually trivia retards
She's irish, didn't you see her other Cameron movie where she killed her 2 kids on a boat? Forget the name.
Hollywood has a long history of casting swarthy jews as mexicans. See: Tuco in Good/Bad/Ugly and Hector Salamanca in Breaking Bad
you can tell by the dishonest cinematography
Unironically a good example of a strong female character
No, have Jew?
But Op wants to know why is she in the movie. For no reason? We must explain how movies work to this simpleton.
It's called acting you fucking triple retard
Nigga, does she look fucking swarthy to you? She is milky white. Hollywood has a long history of ignoring latinas and over-representing russian jews, fagit.
She was wearing brown face for the role.
In an effort to appear less white, Goldstein was outfitted with dark contact lenses to hide her blue eyes and yes, she was even covered in full face-and-body makeup to cover her white skin.
It's called dishonest casting, you undilated tranny.
Yeah...she’s BASED.
Also she was great as a white trash vampire. Wonder why she didn’t make it bigger ? She was good in a few small roles
Reminds of the white dude who played Asian dude in “remo Williams” . Like what’s the point? Why go through the problem of getting the make up when you could just cast a person of the correct race?
>hollywood jews hire their fellow jews to push diversity memes
What else is new
lesbian spics are basically trannies, disgusting
So you don't have to be near a filthy bat eating yellowskin.
Guy probably had a good mother.
Wanted to give future mothers a positive representation.
>Why go through the problem of getting the make up when you could just cast a person of the correct race?
For me, it's John Wayne as Genghis Khan.
>Vasquez thought they meant ILLEGAL aliens!
They added that line because the actress legit went in thinking that's what the movie was going to be about kek.
>doggin on homegirl Vazquez
you don't deserve backup, puto
>HEHE I know bro hehe let's play fortnite!
cringe bigotry