Add in the fucking aromatics!

Add in the fucking aromatics!

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Sprinkle in some kosher salt, and two sticks of butter

he seems uncomfortable when he interacts with actual chefs.

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He knows they are aware of his inadequacy.

I'm sure he's aware of what he is

thought babish would be reddit s o y but hes not bad

It's because he doesn't show his face most of the time. It allows you to focus on the food and not his sóylent disposition.

Reminder it is called Coarse Salt in every other country except for in USA where it is called Kosher Salt.

Why? Because they HAVE to call it that.

>Because they HAVE to call it that.


the jewish salt mafia duh

And is normal salt non-kosher?

Who's worse Jewish Salt Mafia or the Canadian Syrup Mafia?

They don't. Kosher salt is just salt for koshering.

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yeah I'll go ahead and keep calling it kosher salt. It's literally just a name.


A name that reminds you of your masters every time you say it, lmao.

I assume you don't actually cook regularly

good goy

Is this suppose to be some sort of "gotcha" for you being a slave to Jews?

I cook regularly and don't think about Jews while using kosher salt on my eggs or steak. I just think about cooking.

>b-brain no make images of jews so no think about jews
Amerishart education

nobody outside of america ever uses kosher salt to describe it.

Fair enough then.


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>yeah I'd like my steak rare
>wtf why did he say "rare"? Rare like hard to find? Why doesn't he just say pink in the middle? He must think about things like gems and rare hard to find things when ordering steak!

Do you think about your parents fucking to create you whenever you look in a mirror? I don't think about Jews when I use kosher salt.

>excuse me honey, can you hand me the coarse salt?
>we don't have any, do you want the kosher salt or regular?
>I'm talking about the box with "kosher salt" on it. You should call it coarse salt too to combat the Jewish psyops.

dont forget to call it kosher, goy.

This is America.

>Sea salt
>does not supply iodine

>word policing over salt

They want conspiracy tards to buy it too.

already happened in USA, evidently.

huh, do Brits think of murdering and butchering women and then eating them when they call biscuits 'ladysfingers?' No, they don't.

The king of american genre films

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>what about...
get back to subject. call it Kosher

Can you dumb brain not handle comparisons or analogies?

not terrible ones, no.

And some nutmeg!

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Is all your rough/coarse salt that you can buy on shelves in stores in the US actually called kosher salt? Like I'm just curious. Feels really weird that an entire archetype of salt used everywhere else is completely hijacked by a religious minority.

This except I call it coarse salt because that’s what I grew up with. It’s just a name, if people call it kosher salt who cares.

post physique or go away

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>jews exist

kosher salt isn't blessed by Jews or sold by Jews exclusively. It's just called that.

>It's just called that
because they HAVE to call it that

He honestly has some of the best production when it comes to cooking youtube videos. He has a decent camera, and is good at showing his actual cooking, cuts out most of the useless bullshit at the beginning of the recipie and provides narration in post. My only issue with him is his fucking cringey humor he tries to put into his videos, given how he looks and sounds like the stereotypical numale.

No, anons in this thread are schizo. You can buy coarse-salt labeled salt in America, I was teasing.

>You can buy coarse-salt labeled salt in America
at your own peril

we just call it rock salt

no, they don't

Kosher salt is salt that has been blessed by a rabbi for Jews to consume. A lot of foods are marked with various logos that denote the product being kosher. It’s also why some brands charge a few dollars extra for the same product.

so its brainwashed into everyone?

It's called kosher salt because it's ideal for use in koshering. Like how bread making flour is idea for making bread.