Is there something on my face, private ?

Is there something on my face, private ?

Attached: blunt-mnn.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg (644x364, 27.79K)

Great film

not yet lmao

My pp

Attached: Thats+not+pepe+thats+apu+_0155c59fb9b08202e6689b0f9511d884.gif (326x232, 17.98K)

Why does she moan audibly when she gets up

There's about to be. Because I'm gonna piss on your face. And then I expect you to do the same.

Imagine the smell



>Jim chose this flat board over Pam

Semen, ma'am.

>Jim chose this flat board over Pam

Attached: jenna soy.jpg (271x304, 26.54K)



I'll show her my privates

Attached: Emily Blunt Edge of Tomorrow 1.webm (1920x800, 3M)

it's soldier*, not private

why he didnt fucked her ?

Why does nobody question the nearly 40-year old Cage being a private? Don't you get promoted from that position after like 2 years?

Why isn't your face in my privates, private?

Attached: Emily Blunt Edge of Tomorrow 2.webm (1920x800, 2.96M)

I remember the talk of a sequel a few years back, did anything ever come of that?
Great movie but I don't know how a sequel would work, unless it happens to someone else. Tom Cruise again would be silly.

Could be a volunteer signing up for the last stand against the aliens

Attached: Emily Blunt Edge of Tomorrow 3.webm (1920x800, 2.86M)

Catherine Zeta Jones ripoff

>soft remake where Tom Cruise is the Emily Blunt character
Cast the new Tom Cruise character, Yas Forums

Attached: Emily Blunt Edge of Tomorrow 4.webm (1920x800, 1.8M)

She is really not attractive at all

Attached: Emily Blunt Edge of Tomorrow 5.webm (1920x800, 2.35M)


i wish your privates were on my face, ma'am


how many times do you think he raped her or defiled her corpse?

I’m surprised they never tried going for a video game.

How does it feel like to be gay ?

t. Homosexual


If you were in a Groundhog Day/Edge of Tomorrow situation, how long would you wait before you raped someone? The fear that the time loop would end and you would be forced to deal with the consequences of your actions would be terrible. I don't think there's any way I'd try before 100 loops.

I unironically used to think Emily Blunt was hot when i was a teenager

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Rape someone ? Why, just pick a girl and keep trying to have sex with her, you'll eventually find a way.