Jill Valentine

Why is she so perfect?

Attached: Jill.webm (960x400, 1.54M)

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Attached: jill feet.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

British acting talent.

Attached: 1585428891926.webm (1920x800, 2.88M)

>just starts executing every nonwhite
How did they get away with this

Feet, pit and panty shots

>movie has a Jill who is both the hottest actress in the franchise and who actually researched her role (e.g. by watching RE3 Jill to study the way she moves) for this dumb video game movie
>her character ends up being useless all the time so that the director's literal waifu and OC donut steel can show her up

I don't know user, you tell me

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isnt that a cosplayer? or is it her

It was a different time

That's Sienna Guillory yeah.

Attached: 1585443311769.webm (1728x720, 2.9M)

>walks around in sexy high heels that expose her sexy FEET
>immediately drops them for shitty flatfooted unsexy boots
>we never see her feet or heels again

Dropped hard.

why are they aresting zombies?

i cant believe Nemesis ripped off her top

Attached: jill_seinna_angry.webm (1320x800, 791.49K)

How is her pit game?

Because all zombie stories are second-order idiot plots by necessity

This has the production value and cinematography of a fan made youtube video.


Idiot plots are those that only go forward because everyone involved is an idiot. Second-order idiot plots are those that only go forward because everyone in the world (not just those directly involved in the plot) is an idiot. Zombie stories require everyone to be stupid all the time (e.g. cops trying to arrest zombies like they were normal people) or else the slow, dumb zombies possess very little threat.

Feet and pussy shots, the movie had everything.

Attached: 1585428642601.webm (1920x800, 209K)

I rewatched it on netflix last week the day before the remake of 3 came out, and I was surprised how her form is way more proper (not perfect or anything) than the average early 2000s schlock.

To me, Sandra Bullock would've been a good Jill Valentine, she's got nice feet, too.

she was my favorite in re2.

i saw this movie like a week ago and i hated that every time Jill was gonna do something cool she gets cucked by Alice (Original OC DO NOT STEAL)

and... they ruined her

disgusting and smelly and sweaty

Attached: jill_sienna_pits.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

Her grip is way too low but at least she's not teacupping


she does still get to do some shit, at the very least
It is always so mind boggling to me that Anderson went with some retarded OC plot instead of just adapting the first game (which would've cost like 5 million dollars since it's one set and 5 ish actors) and just make jovovich Jill if she really needed to be in it
It's not like it's out of character for her to do dumb flips and shit

Jill Valentine looked pretty crappy in Resident Evil 5 too. She even looks better in the movie compared to the game while wearing the catsuit, but still shit.

Attached: 1585435194599.webm (1920x800, 2.28M)

>what yield is it
it's nice that they wanted to make her seem knowledgable and capable but it's such a pointless fucking question if you're gonna get nuked

Can you believe Paul WS Anderson has more respect for RE3 than Capcom?

um you can see her labia here.

George A. Romero adapted the first game into a screenplay and Capcom rejected it.

why were female action heroes back then so much more likable than shit like Captain Marvel today?

No, if you've ever read that the first 1/3 of the movie is chris and jill fucking and


because like the RE girls or Becksinsale in Underworld or the chick from Doomsday or Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider were all capable and shit but were also hot, so there wasn't some divide where men have zero interest like the shitty Charlie's Angels movie from last year

He at least made kino such as Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon.

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So why was she awares of the zombie threats in the movie? Arklay didnt happen in the movie canon right?

nobody in the thread has said or implied anything resembling that

>walks in to police station and just starts shooting all the blacks

I fapped to RE3 add on a copy of game informer so many times as a kid

No, it did, there's shit on her wall at home about how she's disgraced for spreading "misinformation" about it and over the scanner there's cops saying "Valentine was right!"
It's actually very accurate to her character aside from her getting her thunder and nemesis rivalry stolen by Alice

Ever read that script? I for one did not like it, it invented new stories and it took too long to get to the villa and I don't actually remember much of the monsters being there.

I didn't, I just saw the interview where Romero talks about having an intern play the game in front of him so he could take notes.

it made Redfield a native american didnt it? and him and Jill were lovers?
or something. It was fine to be fair as far as I can remember it

Shooting in doors without hearing protection, and not using two hands. I’m disappoint.

I thought only I knew about this shot. I think this is the best a woman’s feet have looked in any movie ever.
I remember watching this on DVD for the first tine and trying to catch the moment you can see her left sole as she removes the heel.
I’m surprised this scene isn’t more talked about here. This board is lousy with footfags

Summary of the script

the script

The summary is incomplete, also the Mansion explodes with a PLOMMMM and the city is already infected.

Damn, she hit the wall like a Muslim truck driver.