But did anyone actually like this??

But did anyone actually like this??

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the book sucks

season 1 and 2 were kino but it went fucking pozzed season 3 lmao didn't even watch season 4 heard some shit

I kinda liked the premise, but the show itself is boring.

Dropped after season 1

The main chick was insufferably stupid

Stretched quite a bit, but some powerful moments.

An actually decent ending with a message.

The man in the high castle were cultured humanists all along. Very heartfelt and adult ending to a lot of adolescent fantasy.

Season 1 is terrible but it really does get better after that. It's obvious that they got a big budget boost.

I really liked the fact that they made a point of having interesting characters from virtually all sides. You have your obvious resistance characters, but then also a Japenese minister and a Jap kempeitai officer, then an American Nazi and his family. Oh and later on Hitler and Himmler themselves.

I really liked seasons 1&2 with based Kido and John Smith but i just knew that season 3+ would be pozzed because High Castle was generating too much buzz for all the wrong reasons and the Nazi reich looked way too comfy compared to our current nightmare reality.

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>Stretched quite a bit,
Fucking this. Why did each episode have to be a fucking hour? I hate when shows do this and clearly dont have enough material to fill the goddamn time.

The ending was fucking retarded, I don't know how anyone could like it. What message did it have?

was alright

this is just the incel "interpretation". I know a lot of normies who watched this and they never stopped considering the nazis badguys. Your hugbox is not a realistic depiction of world opinion.

Find me 1 source that says they had to somehow change it because it looked too appealing.

I agree that the transphobia in this show was very problematic and I boycotted it as a result

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They didn't even really change shit. From start to finish it's depicted as this clean, advanced, ordered place but even in the first fucking episode a guy goes "Oh, it's tuesday, they must be burning the cripples". And it's like that until the final episode pretty much.


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It was pretty good up until the space Nazi wormhole shit

S2 ending is the true ending of the story. Everything is resolved perfectly, no need to watch the later fanfic-tier seasons.

After World War II there was the UN, multinational research, space exploration, air travel all over the world. Those people, the people who really run the world and advance what it means to be human, show up only when bad people go away.

As powerful as bad people were, good people still ruled just by not showing up. The show had the dimensional transport.Even with that bad people couldn't do anything. As soon as everyone was defeated, all the good people who died traveled as tourists to share in a true honest utopia.

Cultural people work together mutually only ehrn false bravado and barbarity goes away.

You know a show has failed when you end up cheering for the supposed bad guys.

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Possibly the worst ending I've ever seen. Season 1 and 2 are great. 3 and 4 suck balls.

A big problem is thinking hundreds of millions of fascists and communists just went away.

A lot happened between now and the book's publication which needed to be addressed, as well as providing future direction.

I watched the pilot but was too Yas Forumstarded in those days and dropped it when they had ash clouds coming out of the hospitals and shit. Thought it was too woke.

Watched it again years later and really enjoyed and randomly that scene had been removed actually found it quite redpilled. The break before the last season was too long however and I've fallen asleep every time I've attempted to watch S4.

Do Americans really?

It is better than season 3. Worth watching. Stop watching before Adriana arive to dimensional tunnel. 10 seconds before end of last episode.

S1-S2 are super good.

the setting was more interesting than most of the characters

I watched every episode but I don't remember shit

I thought the nazis were going to start giving technology via wormhole to the 60s Americans to fight against communists.

Conceptually, yes. In execution? Not a lot. It has its high points but there are complete episodes/large sections that are a total bore/not worth watching.

haha right?

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Why do Americans have this weird persecution fetish where they fantasize about absurd premises where America is invaded and they get to be some “resistance?” Is it merely a way to cope with the fact that they are always the ones invading other countries and the locals are the ones to resist them?

They want to relive the glory days of the war for independence against the British. Also, half the country actually were a resistance against the other half and still hold a grudge about it. Being an oppressed rebellion is like the quintessential feature of Americanism.

Why does this book/show even exist? If you want some resistance against nazisstuff you could actually just make a series about the German/French/Polish resistance. What does the series being about a made up American resistance bring to the story?

Americans can’t empathize with non-English speakers so a story about European resistance in countries that don’t speak English Americans couldn’t get into.

Yeah it does. The stuff thats actually interesting (operation dandelion, power shifts in germany, space travel, etc) are never taken anywhere but we get to read about our "worlds" merging briefly through the eyes of a bunch of twats
Such a wasted opportunity. Is the show better?

the difference is this is set in a fantasy world where the axis won every implausible war goal.

It exists because alternate history is more interesting than the French resistance

this has been on my watch list for years but unemployment, education, and hustling to get my shit together has prevented me from actually watching it. wasn't this the series where the image of the dude covered in butterflies comes from?

Based Americans.

There’s nothing interesting about absurd premises about American victim complexes. It’s just as bad as Handmaid’s Tale.

Loved S1 and S2 and like time travel plots but I dropped it 3 episodes into season 3

Beats me. Fatherland should have been adapted instead

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You think I disagree? It's the stuff surrounding it that's interesting seeThe alternate tech, the internal politics of the Reich, the Japanese and Germans going to war
Trust me I've read the book I didn't like it because instead of doing anything with that stuff it's characters doing nothing and then "oooh there's a gateway we're in a fake world"
Guns of the South is a much better alternate history book