Why incels on Yas Forums prefer souless over warm latinas ?
Why incels on Yas Forums prefer souless over warm latinas ?
*souless asians
They are the white dudes of women.
what does that mean ?
I don't care for Asian women at all, with Grace Park being the only notable exception
For me it's
They are based and redpilled typically
The actress in your photo got plastic surgery, she had a terrible rat nose and zero tits before. She’s the definition of soulless
I like them
Get out of here, goblina.
For me its
Hot dog! That's one chunky niggress, mister!
Got any more polaroids of her?
Great tits
So like asian women ?
Enjoy your stds
For me, it's
Discord is that way, tranny
>t. seething white woman
Any type is superior than asian insects
For me? It's
We aren't alpha enough to get Latinas.
Auschwitz tats?!
I don’t care for white sluts, but almost half of black women have stds. They’re also the most obese and diabetic demographic when it comes to all women
Half Blacks are top tier
So don't date a ghetto skank? Go to any uni city, tonnes of qt black girls
literally nobody but some mentally impaired preparing to transition deludes themselves that asians are attractive
For me it's smol latinas
then why i seem a lot of them here shilling for asian women ?
is it asian femcels ?
just like the ricecels here ?