Why is he so happy?

Why is he so happy?

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You know why

fridge is full

Patrician taste

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only architects and builders can ever understand what it's like to relax at the end of the day, drinking a beer, and gazing upon your master creation.

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Wow, she was literally 10/10 in the left pic. Pierce is a monster

I'm architecting my girlfriend right now but I need her to do more squats so that more fat goes to her ass.

He finished creating his masterpiece

>wife weighs 266 lbs
>why is he happy

Attached: peircewife3.jpg (2000x640, 305.56K)

The heavier they are the fatter the farts are.

It's obvious OP. He's happy because he loves his wife, who is his true life partner and understands him completely. He is happy because she either lets him or joins him in his weird actor/entertainment industry orgies and sex shit. So basically Piers gets a life partner who he sometimes fucks and also gets to fuck as many young actress bitches as he wants.

>was grossed out by fat chicks (belly over boobs)
>decide to get horny during quarantine
>dm a fat girl on instagram for a quick fuck
>we fuck for hours

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Piece doesn't cheat on his wife. I never will either.

I... have some bad news

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It’s pretty fucking great right?

Deluded idiot, he want only his wife! his creation, his work of art!!!

Thick wife, happy life

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My ex gf was thicc, but got chubby af as our relationship went on. I fucking loved it, now almost exclusively dating chubbies.


A temporary setback.

She probably makes amazing food, or at least they eat well

and sucks dick like a fat girl

big wife happy life

>images that make you involuntarily scream out "based!"

Seething sneedshitter

>tfw fat gf left me last week

>a fat girl left him

I don't want to laugh at you user, but I can't help it. How fat are we talking here? Any pics?

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Fuck he was so happy bros. He was so close to achieving perfection.

You dare to question the architect's work?

Thick women are superior

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Pierce plans to FEED the world




Literally the perfect body. FUUUUUUCK