Why the fuck didn't they say that Eli and Paul were twins...

Why the fuck didn't they say that Eli and Paul were twins? I thought that Eli was playing a long game with Daniel and his family and the oil for two-thirds of the movie.

Attached: Eli and Paul - There Will be Blood.jpg (1500x900, 157.66K)

Lol yea me too i was confused as fuck.

they did

Did you think your song and dance and superstition would help you, Eli?

It's especially jarring because of the weird tension between Eli and Daniel when they first meet, like you almost feel they've already seen each other

Me too. The movie has huge flaws like this but was memed as being great because “acting” which involved characters screaming and behaving like insane psychos

Yeah same. I was weirded out how the guy he bought the information for was waiting for him when he got there.

you fucking retard
neat bait tho

It was confusing but that adds to the kino. The confusion gives you an uneasy feeling that you would get from negotiating with Daniel.

Because Daniel's penis reached ACROOOOOOOOSSSSS the room

I'm gonna bury you underground eli

Exactly, I thought Daniel's look at Eli when he starts asking more probing questions than his dad was him being like "wtf you brought me here, why are you trying to screw me over". Instead they've legit never met each other before.

I don't think Paul is even mentioned until Eli has his breakdown halfway through the movie. And even then I thought Eli was just referring to his alter-ego.


There's no twin, it's one fucking guy.

I thought it was meant as a Shyamalan twist. Like you think it's just one crazy guy with two personalities but then you discover they really are two identical brothers. There's no way PTA wouldn't have intended that.

No. Fuck you. It's been debunked a gazillion time

he was a devil and an angle

You never see them both, it's one guy pretending to have a brother. I used to do that in elementary school.

I think it was an underdeveloped plot point and the director just rolled with it because it worked with the movie.

My first watch I also thought Paul was just the name for Eli's greedy persona. They clearly could have done more to distinguish the two so I think it was purposely opaque.

The original actor quit and they had Dano and said hey you play your brother too! So he had like no time to prepare and they just went with it.

trips of truth

This was confusing as fuck the first time I saw it. The original actor of Eli quit so Dano played both parts. They should've changed the script instead.

Who was the original actor and why did he quit? And why not rework a few lines in the script to make it clear that Eli and Paul are different people?

Daniel mentions Eli's brother again in the final scene. There's no ambiguity about this.

lol moron. they don't have to say it out loud. it's clear when eli meets daniel.

Smells like summer. Smells like children. HEHEHEH SHITPOSTING IS FUNNEY!

me too what the fuck were they thinking

Yeah I honestly thought that he was playing a character to dupe Plainview and pretend to be the brother only for it to be revealed he was the preacher.

didn't make sense until I read up on it after the movie was over

It was not the same person, it was two different brothers. They wanted to keep the actor because he was good

>hey want to be in this oscar contender with Daniel Day Lewis?
>No, I quit