What is true depression kino?
What is true depression kino?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not wanting to watch a movie.
plague dogs
The Comedy (2012)
Naked (1993)
Synecdoche: NY
The Man who Slept
t. 18 year old doomer
The End of Evangelion
blue valentine
500 days of summer
Sideways is the best film to watch in my opinion. It's melancholic in that the characters are denied redemption, but the tone is still hopeful and very beautiful.
iDubbbz attacking his own fans for calling him a cuck.
>500 days of summer
Perhaps you would feel more at home at Reddit.
kinokinokino what did he mean by this based department cringe kino who was in the wrong here kino KINOKINOKINOLNOSKINOEKINO
Synechdoche, New York.
Weiner-Dog is more depressing
11/10 film
Imagine trying to change Yas Forums
kino for this feel?
This looks pretty fookin good user, thanks. I am going to watch this now and get drunk.
Life itself.
jinroh the wolf brigade 1999
Patrician choice.
Holy Christ, it's like the Anti-Friends. This looks shit hot.
The episode where Tony survives the assassination attempt from the two unidentified black males. When he’s lying in bed all day just completely emotionless, and then when he goes for the walk looking like total dogshit.
Inside Llywen Davis
It's an incredible movie. Don't get drunk. Don't numb the pain.
I am already drunk user, sorry. I suppose it would be possible to increase the pain by suddenly stopping drinking but I am not a masochist.
Too contribute to the list, rather than be overtly non-depressed, I would like to suggest to OP that Eraserhead is an excellent depression movie.