>Oh, you're American.
>No sir, I'm from Kentucky.
Did this go over anyone else's head?
>Oh, you're American.
>No sir, I'm from Kentucky.
Did this go over anyone else's head?
American politics are fucking cringe.
Can anyone explain the joke to me?
It's set in the future.
Why can't those southern fucks just accept that they lost and stop screeching about muh independence and muh state rights to practice slavery a century and a half after the fact?
I didn’t get it. Is the point that people from Kentucky are so stupid that they can’t figure out they live in the United States?
*suspends right to a trial in your path*
American education.
Kentucky is a 3rd world country
Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?
isnt that an american military base? why is he even stating that?
He was fucking with him.
the entire movie is set in Britain/Europe
Aren't most northern people metrosexuals getting cucked by men with a hint of masculinity to them?
Americans have more identity invested in their state than compared to other countries in their cantons or whatever. Also it’s just a lighthearted joke, that Kentucky is so unique that it’s its own thing and he’s letting this character know where he stands with him
>okay this guy isn’t just a regular American, he’s from Kentucky so I should expect all the unique cultural quirks from him from that state
This is all something Americans and non autistic people realized within a second of that line. America is literally beyond europoor understanding
whats this from also i don't get it.
>Americans have more identity invested in their state than compared to other countries in their cantons or whatever
I will never not laugh at american exceptionalism
dont worry about it
It must be a cultural thing. I can see no other way that a person seeing a country called "The United States" as not a collective of differing areas that all self-identify to some degree or another.
Tell the movie...
Literal retard poster.
We had this shit thread yesterday. Did you just want more yous?
>Why can't those southern fucks just accept that they lost and stop screeching about muh independence and muh state rights to practice slavery a century and a half after the fact?
Kentucky was loyal to the Union; they did not secede
>Americans have more identity invested in their state than compared to other countries in their cantons or whatever.
Spaniard here, is this a joke?
All of our states' cultures developed seperately, if they had the same laws and values then they would be one state
Every state is, for all intents and purposes, a nation. Every one has its own government, constitution, and penal code
europoor here, I found it pretty funny.
That's the entire point of the U.S., retard. It's a conglomerate of individual units comprising an entire whole, but governed separately on most things.
It depends. I live in an extremely northern part of NY in the woods and I do not like this state at all really but the adirondack mountains are kino.
Can't tell if bait. He's cleverly undercutting Cage's attempt to bond with him over both being American. He has paperwork that says Cage is a con-man who wants to talk his way out of going into combat by any means necessary.
You what ? Yurop is full of micro regionalism.
Swiss is the size of a football field yet they don't even talk the same language, etc.
That's how the USA was intended to operate (strong states' rights/limited central federal govt authority) but the (((politicians))) exploited a lot of crises over the last century to pump up federal power and nerf state power. WWI, WWII, the Cold War and 9/11 all pissed on states' rights and turned the federal government into a massive, out of control behemoth.
That's exactly what I'm talking about, tell that to the americans replying to me instead, please