Old actresses you would fuck.
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midgetfu Veronica Lake
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Practically every leading lady of the studio system era because they wouldn't have a job if they weren't attractive.
He said studio system era, which is 1920s to early 1950s
What’s the system called today?
she had a really tragic end
>you will never ever save her
She did a movie about: I Could Never Be Your Woman
It was the way she carried herself.
harvey's fat ugly slampigs era
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Patrician. Ginger was so adorable, pics don't do her justice.
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Nice taste, but Bette is mine.
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for me it’s Sullivan’s Travels
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there's something nice about the ones that weren't total addicts who died young
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old time actresses with torpedo tits.
this and that woman from the 3 Stooges
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she's strangely attractive and an amazing actress
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