>greetings, my name is wormtongue lyingsnake, son of backstabber, and I am here to apply for the job as trusted advisor of the king
Greetings, my name is wormtongue lyingsnake, son of backstabber...
Tolkien has the subtly of a sledgehammer. His books are Harry Potter for boomers
>nickname reflects his character
Thats how nicknames are supposed to work, moron. Are you actually this dumb? If you were Grima your nickname would be Dipshit Morontongue, Son of Retard
His name is Grima, son of Galmod. That bully Eomer started calling him Wormtongue and it stuck
Pick it up user, someone is calling you
He was probably fine in the past and then sold his allegiance for more power. How else would he get there?
>Tolkien has the subtly of a sledgehammer
But he certainly had a greater command of the language than you
Why did the king not investigate the sake of his nickname? Was he too coddled from being a lord?
>bore him here
>tolkienfags getting startled over harmless jokes
you should go read about the family history of aragorn or something to calm you down, your silmarillon copy is probably in the bathroom
>Why did the king not investigate
He didn't give a fuck. On the advice of Grima.
>Main henchman is Sauronman
Wormtongue was his nickname given to him by the Aryan horsemen when he proved a double-talking manipulative traitor, AFTER being an invaluable minister for many years in Edoras and AFTER being convinced by Saruman that resistance was hopeless, as Saruman was by Sauron.
You're coming into the situation after all the sexy parts are over and being told (in Gandalf's voice) "look at this bullshit." This is why women's opinions are worthless, you probably think we should have seen his slow corruption and downfall with a love triangle or some shit.
This is legit retarded though.
What happened to him after Sauron was defeated?
he returns to saruman and gets killed when isengard falls iirc
in the movies or the book?
He went to the Shire with Saruman and enslaved the hobbits and started an industrial regime until Sam, Merry and Pippin fuck his shit up. Then i dont remember.
They should have that in the movies but jackson is a fag.
Damn...Jack White looks like THAT?????
He slits Saruman's throat when he's had enough of his shit and the hobbits shoot him full of arrows
Your words are poison OP
Isn't Sarumam a jewish surname?
A true man of Rohan, and a good friend
In the book he got shot in the back by a hobbit as he was running away
i laughed
Hello, I am Sau... the Gift Giver! Would you like a ring?
By an arrow or a gun?
Hobbits have constitutional rights to own AR-15s
Take a wild guess.
based department?
Grima means 'feelings creeps or disgust at something' in spanish. It is the same bullshit as Lupin being a werewolf in HP.
Well given that they were in an industrial regime, is it too hard to imagine they invented some crude flintlocks?
This, Sauronman clearly utilized gunpowder. It makes sense that there would at least be cannons.
If you think about it, Sauronman was just an agent of the renaissance. He died in the service of utilitarianism, trying to bring about the industrial revolution.
Good riddance, fuck the industrial revolution and fuck steam engines
Middle Earth is a primitivist ecofascist utopia
A just question, my liege.
>he wrote, on the internet
I'll write it out on a sheet of parchment and shove it up your ass if you want, honeycup
Unironically yes. He even pulled off the retcon shit before she did.
>hey you know that one part with lots of heavy themes and payoff from multiple characters hard work succeeds and the ring is destroyed when Gollum falls into the lava?
>yeah aaactuualy it was GOD who pushed him on in a whim because he felt like intervening this one time and no time else because turns out, everything would have failed had he not done it!
What a fucking hack.
spanish doesn't exist in middle-earth you flaming faggot
You shouldn't be able to write at all, peasant
>he said calmly