I finally watched this movie after hearing about how controversial it was for years

I finally watched this movie after hearing about how controversial it was for years.

What the fuck is the big deal? How is this racist?

Attached: Walt-Disney-Song-Of-The-South[1].jpg (650x917, 155.67K)

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Because white people made it

The nigger wasn’t depicted as being miserable and hating white people.

It's really not and neither is Dumbo

and neither are those based Donald Duck cartoons

Leftist feel uncomfortable about ANY issue dealing with race unless it’s specifically about how bad white people are.

This is why if something completely neutral and inane concerning race is brought up, they start to squirm and “call out” the racist to absolve themselves, like someone with ADHD flicking the light switch 20 times to satiate themselves

do ya like drinkin? of course you like drinkin. who the hell don't?

The slaves are happy, you can't have that. They should be revolting and killing whitey.

Movie is literally made to be as non-racist as possible, but it has their niggers speaking in common dialect instead of some unrealistic, refined dialect that would never be found in Reconstruction-era rural Georgia.

Although it's ambiguous in the movie, Disney officially stated it takes place post-Civil War, just like the book it's based on.

The only bad people in it are the little white shits who are bullying the other white kids.

The movie would be in print today if it weren't for the Tar Baby scene.

So blacks speaking with the correct accent is racist, but the BBC publishing articles in ebonics is good?

I’d like to finally see this movie.

Is there a low-effort way anyone knows? Streaming would be preferred so I can easily cast it to my tv.


It's not particularly racist, just bland. Walt insisted on the story because he was read it as a child, but not all of his stories make for rolling epics


>the BBC publishing articles in ebonics
Wtf now this happened?

Yeah totally the reason Disney try to hide it away

He’s talking about BBC pidgin, which is made for Africans.


The BBC uses pigdin

some faggot I don't talk to anymore tried to do this with me over a chinese accent years ago and I was like "nope, stop. Accents are fair game, everyone makes fun of accents from all around the world. Don't be like this".

Holy shit, I'm fucking dying. I can't believe this is real.

I'm reading these articles in Jar Jar's voice.


Becuase a black man was depicted as he was in the original story, and in a manner appropriate for the time period the story was set.
But ""progressives"" don't like it, and instead of just saying "yea, it's accurate but from a time with different ideals from ours now", they cry and scream and get it hidden away so they can pretend like it never happened.

white people are inherently racist

white people are literally the least racist demographic on the planet

It portrays slavery as normal instead of condemning it firmly. That's why it's racist.

Also, nobody understands what the fuck all the niggers are saying so there could be some racism hidden in the dialog too.

>If someone stay home no food throughout, na die be dat o

That’s just the strong SOWTHERN accent you get in places like rural Georgia

>Most Popular
>De one we dem de read well well
lol this is more racist than anything real racists could come up with