>character stops time
>they are still able to see, because for some reason, light waves are still being produced and are still moving into their eyes
Character stops time
In English, please
they are walking into the light with their eyes duh
*grabs piece of paper*
they stop human time, not light time dumbass
The speed of light is in a different dimension to the speed of time.
That just means they did not stop time but slowed it down significantly where human actions seems frozen in space but light still travels somewhat fast
>its an user thinks he's smart episode
You'd still be able to see retard.
>speed of time
>thinks his capeshit/sci-fi garbage could totally be real dude
>calls me the retard
stopping time would be like pressing pause on a vcr
basically everything would be fucked
t. scientifical user
>character watches movie
>can't stop fidgeting like an autist and tabbing out to Yas Forums
>tfw time could have just stopped for a million-trillion years just now and we didn't even notice
>character makes shit up
>its a user just learned something simple from his high school science class and thinks he's smart episode
>characters makes shit up (yet again) in feeble attempt to agemog somebody for ruining his shit media
>Character posts frog images on Yas Forums
>Immediately gets a home invasion where he is brutally beaten with his eyes gouged out, knee caps plied out and teeth bashed down his throat
>character doesn't own a firearm so he assumes others are as vulnerable as he is
>Character thinks he won't bump into his own door and either shoot himself or drop the gun like the panicking autist he is.
>he doesn't know
>character thinks he's a major badass who can just enter anyone's house and be a match for whoever is on the other side
Time is stopped, you cant do shit user. Enjoy being raped and brutalized in one instant and trying to figure out for the rest of your life wtf just happened.
>thinks it's possible to open up my orifices when time is stopped
How are you going to find me when you won't be able to see or breathe with time being stopped?
Ora, ora! You're a hundred years too early to talk like that to the bancho of Soirentozawa High!
>thinks time being stopped means that light previously emitted ceases to exist
>he thinks time moves consistently throughout the universe
once i stop time, i have all the eternity to find you user, i will figure it out.
>character fantasizes about stopping time and looking down the shirts of his classmates
>character fantasizes about blowing 50 loads in a woman's mouth in public while time is stopped and unpausing
>humans live for eternity
>main character is stuck in a time loop
>forces from adjacent universes show up to try and stop it, since the constant rewinding of time is wreaking absolute havoc on everything else in the cosmological neighbourhood
the light waves already out would still exist but once you move through them, they would get absorbed
so a character moving through stopped time would leave a track of nothingness behind
Okay user, do you have any beer cans I can crush?
Im not human you nigger piece of shit.
if thats the case, he would leave just darkness, not nothingness. But you dont "absorb" light, you just see it, your brain decodes it and translate it, just that, is still there.
Fucking brainlets from Sol 3 should be erradicated from existance.
kek I bet you don't even believe in the speed of dark
Any media with this premise?
That actually sounds pretty cool.
the speed of light is a constant, you can't change it or stop it.
I read an old sci-fi story in an Asimov Presents rag about a drug that was basically super meth and the person would move so fast time was functionally stopped. I think it was called The Catalyst
>Light doesn't travel from the sun at 8 minutes per hour to reach earth
And you call other people brainlets
>character stops time
>they are still able to breath, because for some reason,air molecules are not frozen
>they can also move objects that are frozen in time