What's your favourite movie, user?

>what's your favourite movie, user?

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Meet Joe Black. Lets have an orgy.

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Apocalypse Now


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TMNT2 and we're watching it right now bitches

i hate movies

Shallow Hal

Ive been to a room full of girls before and it smells bad. Dank tropical air mixed with cheap parfume. Imagine going to one of these back rooms at anime convention, its similiar

Harry Potter and the most popular installment of the series

*proceeds to bang about half of the girls for the remaining evening*

i hate movies and anything related to television and film

>room filled with 20+ tampons
imagine the smell

Probably Black Hawk Down and you?

>For me? It's Fight Club
>What's yours?

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>actually like normie movie
>quickly try to think of the most obscure art house movie to impress them with my taste

Irreversible of course. Let’s watch it.

I mean I can you really say you've got a favour when there's so many different quality films out there? but fuck it I'm going with Ghostbusters

think of all the poo in that image hidden inside of them

>Why Joker (2019) of course. Let us watch it now!

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b-b-blade ru-ru-runner haha

The episode of facial abuse featuring Amelia Wang
h-h-have any of you fine ladies seen it?

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You guys actually like women? Disgusting really

When was the last time a girl you weren't related to was happy to see you, bros?

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das boot

milf bimbo porn

Swiss army man

Like yesterday?

I just shot one down today who was getting way too clingy but she sends me nudes all day so I can't complain. Unironically you just have to imagine you're gigachad and say whatever the fuck you want, not like girls are understandable.

Also, this probably also goes without warning, don't fuck girls from /soc/ whatever you do lads. It never ends well.

Nice reddit thread you got there.

The Thing.

Literally all look the same except for the black haired chick and granny looking one in the back.