Re-opening the economy? Not so fast, normies.
Re-opening the economy? Not so fast, normies
Maybe you should stop eating roadkill
The only fair thing to do is invade China and make them pay reparations
>why doesn't trump do it like south korea
>8000 vs 560000 cases
>B-But some reactivated so its the same!!!!
This only shows how retarded Trump is for wanting to open things back up so soon.
Life won't return to normal until there's a vaccine and everyone has been tested.
South Korea is obviously underreporting their case numbers, Chang.
that's because Korea have gone all war is over on it, all their news is just reporting on how stupid Brits and Yanks are for stockpiling despite the Korean government sending stockpiles of essentials to citizens
people are going out as usual and working again because there's fuck all workplace protection in place, they don't even take their maternity leave and paid holiday because of social pressure. they're probably contracting a mutated version again.
>why doesn't trump stop the virus from killing anyone
You get reinfected just by coming into contact with someone who has it again ya dumb shit
Imagine thinking you made a good point. Any trump cultists left are braindead
t. Has absolutely no idea how the immune system works
Literally Nobody:
Not a single soul:
Random incel on 4channel:
>oRaNgE mAn GoOd
here come the reddit asians
>Source: Me
I buy that China is doing it but SK?
Redpill me on lockdowns. Are they working?
You dont recover from it it just goes up into your nervous system and other parts of your body that your immune system does not reach into and just waits around to reactivate like HIV. Its all part of Bill Gates plan. You'll need to get his chip implant and it will periodically administer vaccines/therapeutics.
>Re-opening the economy? Not so fast, normies.
which actor said this? You are referencing a Yas Forums or /film/ related subject, right.
Fuck China, just glass the whole fucking country already
I don't trust any of the chinkoids to be honest family
So they're either testing wrong or this virus works differently than any other virus in existence?
Yeah it's so dumb to want to prevent the economy from totally tanking. It's ok because you're employed by shareblue or something right?
in the sense that they're allowing authoritarian governments to consolidate more power under the guise of emergency measures, yes
Why not? Almost every country is going to underreport, everyone else is going to over-report cases as a means of selling the public on their strategy for containing the virus.
haha nice meme
their president is a massive chink lover who gave away a shit load of masks whilst actual Koreans needed them
Remember that coronavirus has HIV RNA in it so you are literally getting Lung AIDS forever
lmao kill yourself
too bad the immune system isn't perfect
There is absolutely zero evidence that people actually get reinfected after recovering.
I truly hope this is bait.
The Chinese people and governments are based tho
None of you faggots are microbiologists
I don't know why people just assumed that you'd get automatic immunity once you recovered from rona when there was never any evidence that was the case. The only thing that's gonna stop this is a vaccine. Reopening the economy once the infection rate becomes low is just gonna clear the path for a second wave.
You have no idea how it works, how would you know? Do yourself a favor and read about innate vs acquired immunity.
Some overrated bit part actor from Fresh Prince and Home Alone 2
Could not be reporting or under-reporting the asymptomatic infected, which appear to be the bulk of cases. China definitely is doing this.
I work with them, does that count?
You don’t know what you’re talking about, recovering from the virus would give you the same type of acquired immunity as a vaccine would. The whole point of a vaccine is so that other people can calibrate their immune system to the disease without getting it. Why do you niggers always insist on talking about things you’ve never bothered to read about?
That Home Alone 2 scene was kino
Viruses reactivating in a small percentage of patients isn't unusual. It happens even with the flu.
Lmao we're so fucked.
>thread has nothing to do with trump
Kill yourself doomer
>poors will die delivering amazon packages
oh no
>That Home Alone 2 scene was kino
Wait what!?
How is life as an actual janitor that gets paid