Anyone watching Ozark? These title cards area a nice touch.
Anyone watching Ozark? These title cards area a nice touch
it gives me chills when I see them because they are so random
Each figure represents events that will happen in the episode.
Also, supposedly, the figures/symbols spell Z-A-R-K
>Also, supposedly, the figures/symbols spell Z-A-R-K
Never noticed
S2 > S1 > S3
It was based how the fried chicken wing was the introduction of the black character
do they compensate for the abysmal, derivative SJW crap that is the rest of the episodes?
Fuck you Netflix shill.
but that's literally the opposite ranking
>SJW crap
like what?
that makes no fucking sense at all you fucking retard
I like the mouthy blonde & love Laura Linney, but it's a weak Breaking Bad set in Branson
Some great scenes in Season 3, a lot of downtime in between. Maybe it's recency bias
was he based?
Ben was a historic performance. s3 was by far, best season, s1 and s2 are on pair
>he didn't watch season 3
>starts and looks like a blue breaking bad ripoff
>oh wait! strong womyn call the shots! and men are basically puppets
lemme guess more ruth girl power bullshit lol
Marty and Wendy are so fucking stupid in this season. Another show with wasted potential. The guy playing Navarro was good though
no matter how fucking stupid wendy is she's not allowed to be portrayed as stupid lmao
>they DEFINITELY didn't watch season 3
>he DEFINITELY didn't watch seasons 1 and 2
except all the women were wrong about everything
of course they're fucking wrong they're jus not allowed to BE wrong lmao look at the fucking bullshit with wendy in season 3 you dumb fuck
why would I watch season 3 and not seasons 1 or 2 lol that you be crazy
>look at the fucking bullshit with wendy in season 3 you dumb fuck
Did you look at it? it doesn't paint her as a hero
made her "smarter" than marty what the fuck was that shit hahahaha
When? She called down the audit that fucked everything up for them
she's not fucking portray in the wrong for it never her fucking fault that's what i'm fucking talking bout
My first criticism was they were rather adolescent in their view on drugs.
The brother's mania brought it home. As well as Marty's flashback to his father. It's just a game that makes you put money in. You can't win. That was really nice.
Can't wait to see what they do from here. They need a ringmaster. Someone who just goes:
"Just want to let you know, I don't care about any of this."
That real creepy feeling of power being light years ahead.
"Well, Marty, if your father dying bothered you so much, just harvest his brain. Disney did it in the 50s. Hell, modern anthropological developments make me think cavemen did it."
I enjoyed the fact that they got the "my family doesn't know I'm a criminal" out of the way in like episode 2. I love BrBa but i was not interested in watching another Walt struggle to keep secrets from his family
He's an absolute retard mental case